Provision of the Silsila

VTES Legacy I - N° 79 / 112 - Rarity: POD:DTC
Type: Action Modifier - Clan: Banu Haqim
Discipline: - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Only usable after a combat involving this Assamite and a minion with a contract.
Only usable if this Assamite has been chosen for that contract.
Only usable if the opposing minion is not ready and this Assamite is ready.
Usable by a locked vampire.
Fill this Assamite to full capacity with blood from the blood bank, and burn the contract if it is still in play.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Provision of the Silsila VTES Legacy I
Provision of the Silsila Lords of the Night
Provision of the Silsila Final Nights