1 Anthelios, The Red Star Anthelios, The Red Star Promo Event P
2 Cunctator Motion Cunctator Motion Jyhad Political Action R2
3 Dramatic Upheaval Dramatic Upheaval Jyhad Political Action C
4 Edge Explosion Edge Explosion Nights of Reckoning Event R
5 High Stakes High Stakes Jyhad Political Action U
6 Kindred Restructure Kindred Restructure Jyhad Political Action V
7 Lilith's Blessing Lilith's Blessing Promo Master P
8 Madness of the Bard Madness of the Bard Dark Sovereigns Master U1
9 Memories of Mortality Memories of Mortality Ancient Hearts Master U5
10 Playing for Keeps Playing for Keeps Dark Sovereigns Master U1
11 Protect Thine Own Protect Thine Own Ancient Hearts Political Action R2
12 Return to Innocence, The Return to Innocence, The Ancient Hearts Action R2
13 Seeds of Corruption Seeds of Corruption Ancient Hearts Action U5
14 Succubus Club Succubus Club Jyhad Master U2
15 Temptation of Greater Power Temptation of Greater Power Jyhad Master R