==> L'extension Sabbat comprend 410 cartes.

CRYPT Cards (110 cartes)
1 Bronwen Bronwen Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
2 Dodd Dodd Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
3 Frederick the Weak Frederick the Weak Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
4 Hugo Hugo Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
5 Jacko Jacko Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
6 Jacob Bragg Jacob Bragg Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
7 Richter, The Templar of Du Mont Richter, The Templar of Du Mont Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
8 Rigby, Crusade Vanguard Rigby, Crusade Vanguard Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
9 Salinger Salinger Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
10 Sarah Brando Sarah Brando Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
11 Sela Sela Sabbat V Vampire Brujah antitribu 2
12 Blaise Blaise Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
13 Caitlin Caitlin Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
14 Genevieve Genevieve Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
15 Leon Leon Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
16 Luther Luther Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
17 Monique Monique Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
18 Pieter Pieter Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
19 Sadie Sadie Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
20 Samantha Samantha Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
21 Shane Grimald Shane Grimald Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
22 Zachary Zachary Sabbat V Vampire Gangrel antitribu 2
23 Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
24 Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
25 Angelica, The Canonicus Angelica, The Canonicus Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
26 Antonio Delgado Antonio Delgado Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
27 Aurora Van Brande, Paladin Aurora Van Brande, Paladin Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
28 Cameron Cameron Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
29 Gratiano Gratiano Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
30 Guido Lucciano Guido Lucciano Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
31 Ignacio, The Black Priest Ignacio, The Black Priest Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
32 Lisette Vizquel Lisette Vizquel Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
33 Ramiro Ramiro Sabbat V Vampire Lasombra 2
34 Artemis Artemis Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
35 Boy Toy Boy Toy Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
36 Claven Claven Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
37 Hannibal Hannibal Sabbat U Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
38 Imogen Imogen Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
39 Korah Korah Sabbat U Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
40 Muriel Foucade Muriel Foucade Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
41 Quira, The Bitch Queen Quira, The Bitch Queen Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
42 Vasantasena Vasantasena Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
43 Virgil Virgil Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
44 Yorik Yorik Sabbat V Vampire Malkavian antitribu 2
45 Agatha Agatha Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
46 Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit Sabbat U Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
47 Cailean Cailean Sabbat U Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
48 Calebos Calebos Sabbat U Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
49 Dani Dani Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
50 Josef Josef Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
51 Kendrick Kendrick Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
52 Nigel the Shunned Nigel the Shunned Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
53 Olivia Olivia Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
54 Tommy Tommy Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
55 Yong-Sun, Harmonist Yong-Sun, Harmonist Sabbat V Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 2
56 Angela Decker Angela Decker Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
57 Basil Basil Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
58 Christine Boscacci Christine Boscacci Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
59 Gillian Krader Gillian Krader Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
60 Huang, Blood Cultist Huang, Blood Cultist Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
61 Jimmy Dunn Jimmy Dunn Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
62 Lena Rowe Lena Rowe Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
63 March Halcyon March Halcyon Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
64 Mitchell, The Headhunter Mitchell, The Headhunter Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
65 Rex, The Necronomist Rex, The Necronomist Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
66 Royce Royce Sabbat V Vampire Pander 2
67 Carter Carter Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
68 Donatien Donatien Sabbat U Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
69 Ian Wallingford Ian Wallingford Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
70 Jessica Jessica Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
71 Jost Werner Jost Werner Sabbat U Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
72 Lachlan, Noddist Lachlan, Noddist Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
73 Lolita Lolita Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
74 Matteus, Flesh Sculptor Matteus, Flesh Sculptor Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
75 Remilliard, Devout Crusader Remilliard, Devout Crusader Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
76 Sheila Mezarin Sheila Mezarin Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
77 Victor Revell, Loyalist Victor Revell, Loyalist Sabbat V Vampire Toreador antitribu 2
78 Ayelea, The Manipulator Ayelea, The Manipulator Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
79 Brooke Brooke Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
80 Bryan Van Duesen Bryan Van Duesen Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
81 Ethan Locke Ethan Locke Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
82 Heinrick Schlempt Heinrick Schlempt Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
83 Ian Forestal Ian Forestal Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
84 Kij Dansky Kij Dansky Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
85 Kurt Strauss Kurt Strauss Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
86 Reverend Blackwood Reverend Blackwood Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
87 Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
88 Thelonius Thelonius Sabbat V Vampire Tremere antitribu 2
89 Anton Anton Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
90 Corine Marcón Corine Marcón Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
91 Devin Bisley Devin Bisley Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
92 Dragos Dragos Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
93 Horatio Horatio Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
94 Lambach Lambach Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
95 Lolita Houston Lolita Houston Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
96 Meshenka Meshenka Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
97 Stravinsky Stravinsky Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
98 Violet Tremain Violet Tremain Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
99 Wendy Wade Wendy Wade Sabbat V Vampire Tzimisce 2
100 Billy Billy Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
101 Dominique Dominique Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
102 Dylan Dylan Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
103 Gerard Gerard Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
104 Ingrid Russo Ingrid Russo Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
105 Juan Cali Juan Cali Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
106 Lazverinus, Thrall of Lambach Lazverinus, Thrall of Lambach Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
107 Marlene, The Infernalist Marlene, The Infernalist Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
108 Quentin Quentin Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
109 Samson Samson Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
110 Vanessa Vanessa Sabbat V Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
LIBRARY Cards (300 cartes)
111 .44 Magnum .44 Magnum Sabbat C Equipment
112 Ablative Skin Ablative Skin Sabbat R Action
113 Adaptability Adaptability Sabbat R Combat
114 Aggressive Tactics Aggressive Tactics Sabbat R Master
115 Ambush Ambush Sabbat C Action
116 Amusement Park Hunting Ground Amusement Park Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Brujah antitribu
117 Anarchist Uprising Anarchist Uprising Sabbat C Political Action
118 Animalism Animalism Sabbat C Master
119 Apportation Apportation Sabbat C Combat
120 Arms of the Abyss Arms of the Abyss Sabbat C Combat
121 Arson Arson Sabbat C Action
122 Art of Love, The Art of Love, The Sabbat U Master Toreador antitribu
123 Art of Pain, The Art of Pain, The Sabbat R Master Toreador antitribu
124 Art Scam Art Scam Sabbat R Action Toreador antitribu
125 Ascendance Ascendance Sabbat C Master
126 Auspex Auspex Sabbat C Master
127 Awe Awe Sabbat R Action Modifier
128 Barrens, The Barrens, The Sabbat C Master
129 Bauble Bauble Sabbat R Action
130 Bestial Visage Bestial Visage Sabbat R Master
131 Bewitching Oration Bewitching Oration Sabbat C Action Modifier
132 Black Spiral Buddy Black Spiral Buddy Sabbat U Ally Gangrel antitribu
133 Blessing of Chaos Blessing of Chaos Sabbat R Action
134 Blood Brother Ambush Blood Brother Ambush Sabbat R Action Modifier Brujah antitribu
135 Blood Doll Blood Doll Sabbat R Master
136 Blood Feast Blood Feast Sabbat C Action
137 Blood of Acid Blood of Acid Sabbat U Combat
138 Bloodbath Bloodbath Sabbat U Action
139 Blur Blur Sabbat C Combat
140 Body Arsenal Body Arsenal Sabbat C Combat
141 Body Flare Body Flare Sabbat R Combat
142 Bonding Bonding Sabbat C Action Modifier
143 Bone Spur Bone Spur Sabbat C Combat
144 Bonecraft Bonecraft Sabbat C Combat
145 Boxed In Boxed In Sabbat C Combat
146 Brass Knuckles Brass Knuckles Sabbat C Equipment
147 Breath of the Dragon Breath of the Dragon Sabbat R Combat
148 Bribes Bribes Sabbat C Action Modifier
149 Bruisers, The Bruisers, The Sabbat U Ally Brujah antitribu
150 Call the Lamprey Call the Lamprey Sabbat U Combat
151 Camarilla Threat Camarilla Threat Sabbat R Political Action
152 Camarilla Vitae Slave Camarilla Vitae Slave Sabbat R Retainer Lasombra
153 Campground Hunting Ground Campground Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Gangrel antitribu
154 Canine Horde Canine Horde Sabbat C Combat
155 Cardinal Benediction Cardinal Benediction Sabbat U Political Action
156 Cardinal Sin: Failure of Mission Cardinal Sin: Failure of Mission Sabbat R Reaction
157 Cardinal Sin: Insubordination Cardinal Sin: Insubordination Sabbat U Reaction
158 Carrion Coffin Carrion Coffin Sabbat R Action
159 Carrion Crows Carrion Crows Sabbat C Combat
160 Catatonic Fear Catatonic Fear Sabbat U Combat
161 Cats' Guidance Cats' Guidance Sabbat C Reaction
162 Cauldron of Blood Cauldron of Blood Sabbat C Combat
163 Celerity Celerity Sabbat C Master
164 Changeling Changeling Sabbat C Action Modifier
165 Changeling Skin Mask Changeling Skin Mask Sabbat R Equipment
166 Channeling the Beast Channeling the Beast Sabbat C Combat
167 City Gangrel Connections City Gangrel Connections Sabbat U Master Gangrel antitribu
168 Cloak the Gathering Cloak the Gathering Sabbat C Action Modifier
169 Code of Milan Suspended Code of Milan Suspended Sabbat R Political Action
170 Coma Coma Sabbat U Combat
171 Combat Shotgun Combat Shotgun Sabbat C Equipment
172 Command of the Beast Command of the Beast Sabbat U Action Modifier
173 Communal Haven: Temple Communal Haven: Temple Sabbat U Master
174 Computer Hacking Computer Hacking Sabbat C Action
175 Concoction of Vitality Concoction of Vitality Sabbat U Equipment
176 Confusion Confusion Sabbat C Action Modifier
177 Consanguineous Boon Consanguineous Boon Sabbat C Political Action
178 Consecration Rites Consecration Rites Sabbat U Action
179 Corporate Hunting Ground Corporate Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Ventrue antitribu
180 Creation Rites Creation Rites Sabbat R Action
181 Crimson Sentinel, The Crimson Sentinel, The Sabbat R Equipment
182 Crusade: Atlanta Crusade: Atlanta Sabbat R Political Action
183 Crusade: Chicago Crusade: Chicago Sabbat R Political Action
184 Crusade: Detroit Crusade: Detroit Sabbat R Political Action
185 Crusade: Houston Crusade: Houston Sabbat R Political Action
186 Crusade: Mexico City Crusade: Mexico City Sabbat R Political Action
187 Crusade: Miami Crusade: Miami Sabbat R Political Action
188 Crusade: Philadelphia Crusade: Philadelphia Sabbat R Political Action
189 Crusade: Pittsburgh Crusade: Pittsburgh Sabbat R Political Action
190 Crusade: Toronto Crusade: Toronto Sabbat R Political Action
191 Cryptic Mission Cryptic Mission Sabbat C Action
192 Cryptic Rider Cryptic Rider Sabbat U Action Modifier
193 Cull the Herd Cull the Herd Sabbat R Action
194 Daring the Dawn Daring the Dawn Sabbat R Action Modifier
195 Dauntain Black Magician Dauntain Black Magician Sabbat R Ally Malkavian antitribu
196 Decapitate Decapitate Sabbat U Combat
197 Dementation Dementation Sabbat C Master
198 Demonstration Demonstration Sabbat U Master Ventrue antitribu
199 Derange Derange Sabbat R Action Malkavian/Malkavian antitribu
200 Detection Detection Sabbat U Master
201 Direct Intervention Direct Intervention Sabbat U Master
202 Dirty Little Secrets Dirty Little Secrets Sabbat U Action Modifier Nosferatu antitribu
203 Disarm Disarm Sabbat R Combat
204 Disguised Weapon Disguised Weapon Sabbat C Combat
205 Disputed Territory Disputed Territory Sabbat C Political Action
206 Dissolution Dissolution Sabbat U Combat
207 Dominate Dominate Sabbat C Master
208 Dread Gaze Dread Gaze Sabbat C Reaction
209 Eldritch Glimmer Eldritch Glimmer Sabbat U Combat
210 Elysian Fields Elysian Fields Sabbat U Master Lasombra
211 Enchanted Marionette Enchanted Marionette Sabbat R Equipment Malkavian antitribu
212 Enhanced Senses Enhanced Senses Sabbat C Reaction
213 Entombment Entombment Sabbat R Combat
214 Escaped Mental Patient Escaped Mental Patient Sabbat U Ally Malkavian antitribu
215 Excommunication Excommunication Sabbat U Political Action
216 Eyes of Chaos Eyes of Chaos Sabbat C Action Modifier
217 Eyes of the Night Eyes of the Night Sabbat C Reaction
218 Fade from View Fade from View Sabbat R Combat
219 Fake Out Fake Out Sabbat C Combat
220 Fast Hands Fast Hands Sabbat U Combat
221 Femur of Toomler Femur of Toomler Sabbat U Equipment Tzimisce
222 Festivo dello Estinto Festivo dello Estinto Sabbat U Master
223 Fetish Club Hunting Ground Fetish Club Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Toreador antitribu
224 Fire Dance Fire Dance Sabbat U Action
225 Fire in the Blood Fire in the Blood Sabbat R Combat
226 Flamethrower Flamethrower Sabbat U Equipment
227 Flash Flash Sabbat C Combat
228 Fleshcraft Fleshcraft Sabbat C Combat
229 Forced Awakening Forced Awakening Sabbat C Reaction
230 Forgotten Labyrinth Forgotten Labyrinth Sabbat U Action Modifier
231 Fortitude Fortitude Sabbat C Master
232 Fractured Armament Fractured Armament Sabbat C Combat
233 Gang Tactics Gang Tactics Sabbat R Action Modifier Nosferatu antitribu
234 Gang Territory Gang Territory Sabbat R Master Brujah antitribu
235 Gangrel Conspiracy Gangrel Conspiracy Sabbat R Master Gangrel antitribu
236 Gargoyle Slave Gargoyle Slave Sabbat U Ally Tremere antitribu
237 Gas-Powered Chainsaw Gas-Powered Chainsaw Sabbat C Equipment
238 Ghouled Street Thug Ghouled Street Thug Sabbat R Ally Pander
239 Gleam of Red Eyes Gleam of Red Eyes Sabbat C Combat
240 Goth Band Goth Band Sabbat U Ally Toreador antitribu
241 Guard Dogs Guard Dogs Sabbat R Reaction
242 Guardian Ghoul Guardian Ghoul Sabbat C Ally Tzimisce
243 Hand of Conrad Hand of Conrad Sabbat R Equipment
244 Hidden Pathways Hidden Pathways Sabbat R Action
245 Horrid Form Horrid Form Sabbat U Combat
246 Hungry Coyote, The Hungry Coyote, The Sabbat R Master
247 Immortal Grapple Immortal Grapple Sabbat U Combat
248 Infamous Warlock Infamous Warlock Sabbat R Master
249 Infernal Familiar Infernal Familiar Sabbat R Retainer
250 Infernal Pact Infernal Pact Sabbat R Master Tremere antitribu
251 Information Highway Information Highway Sabbat U Master
252 Innocent Bystander Innocent Bystander Sabbat R Action Modifier Ventrue antitribu
253 Institution Hunting Ground Institution Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Malkavian antitribu
254 Intimidation Intimidation Sabbat R Action
255 Investiture Investiture Sabbat R Political Action
256 Kindred Spirits Kindred Spirits Sabbat C Action
257 Laptop Computer Laptop Computer Sabbat C Equipment
258 Leather Jacket Leather Jacket Sabbat C Equipment
259 Legacy of Caine Legacy of Caine Sabbat R Master
260 Legacy of Pander Legacy of Pander Sabbat R Political Action
261 Library Hunting Ground Library Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Tzimisce
262 Lightning Reflexes Lightning Reflexes Sabbat R Combat
263 Living Manse Living Manse Sabbat R Equipment Tzimisce
264 Lost in Crowds Lost in Crowds Sabbat C Action Modifier
265 Lyndhurst Estate, New York Lyndhurst Estate, New York Sabbat U Equipment
266 Machine Blitz Machine Blitz Sabbat R Combat
267 Malkavian Derangement: Paranoia Malkavian Derangement: Paranoia Sabbat U Master
268 Malkavian Game Malkavian Game Sabbat U Master Malkavian antitribu
269 Manstopper Rounds Manstopper Rounds Sabbat U Combat
270 Marked Path Marked Path Sabbat R Action Modifier
271 Masochism Masochism Sabbat R Action
272 Meat Cleaver Meat Cleaver Sabbat U Equipment
273 Media Influence Media Influence Sabbat C Action
274 Melange Melange Sabbat R Reaction
275 Mind of a Child Mind of a Child Sabbat U Action
276 Mind Rape Mind Rape Sabbat R Action
277 Mind Tricks Mind Tricks Sabbat C Action Modifier
278 Mistaken Identity Mistaken Identity Sabbat U Reaction
279 Mob Connections Mob Connections Sabbat U Master
280 Monomancy Monomancy Sabbat U Action
281 My Enemy's Enemy My Enemy's Enemy Sabbat R Reaction
282 Nephandus Nephandus Sabbat R Ally Tremere antitribu
283 Night Moves Night Moves Sabbat U Action
284 Nosferatu Kingdom Nosferatu Kingdom Sabbat R Master Nosferatu antitribu
285 Obedience Obedience Sabbat U Reaction
286 Obfuscate Obfuscate Sabbat C Master
287 Obsession Obsession Sabbat R Master
288 Obtenebration Obtenebration Sabbat C Master
289 Orgy of Blood Orgy of Blood Sabbat R Combat
290 Out of Control Out of Control Sabbat U Master
291 Pack Tactics Pack Tactics Sabbat C Reaction
292 Palla Grande Palla Grande Sabbat R Master Toreador antitribu
293 Passion Passion Sabbat C Action
294 Peace Treaty Peace Treaty Sabbat C Political Action
295 Pentex(TM) Loves You! Pentex(TM) Loves You! Sabbat U Master
296 Plasmic Form Plasmic Form Sabbat C Action Modifier/Combat
297 Political Antagonist Political Antagonist Sabbat R Ally Ventrue antitribu
298 Political Hunting Ground Political Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Lasombra
299 Political Seizure Political Seizure Sabbat U Master Lasombra
300 Political Stranglehold Political Stranglehold Sabbat U Political Action
301 Political Struggle Political Struggle Sabbat R Action Lasombra
302 Potence Potence Sabbat C Master
303 Power Structure Power Structure Sabbat U Master Lasombra
304 Powerbase: Mexico City Powerbase: Mexico City Sabbat U Master
305 Powerbase: New York Powerbase: New York Sabbat R Master
306 Precognition Precognition Sabbat C Reaction
307 Presence Presence Sabbat C Master
308 Preternatural Evasion Preternatural Evasion Sabbat C Combat
309 Primal Instincts Primal Instincts Sabbat C Combat
310 Propaganda Propaganda Sabbat U Action
311 Protean Protean Sabbat C Master
312 Pulse of the Canaille Pulse of the Canaille Sabbat U Action
313 Pursuit Pursuit Sabbat C Combat
314 Pushing the Limit Pushing the Limit Sabbat C Combat
315 Quick Exit Quick Exit Sabbat R Combat
316 Quick Meld Quick Meld Sabbat C Combat
317 Quickness Quickness Sabbat C Combat
318 Rapid Change Rapid Change Sabbat C Action Modifier/Combat
319 Rapid Thought Rapid Thought Sabbat U Combat
320 Raptor Raptor Sabbat U Retainer
321 Recruiting Party Recruiting Party Sabbat R Action Ventrue antitribu
322 Recruitment Recruitment Sabbat C Master
323 Redirection Redirection Sabbat C Reaction
324 Reform Body Reform Body Sabbat R Combat/Reaction
325 Regaining the Upper Hand Regaining the Upper Hand Sabbat C Political Action
326 Regeneration Regeneration Sabbat C Action
327 Resilience Resilience Sabbat U Combat
328 Restoration Restoration Sabbat C Action
329 Revelations Revelations Sabbat U Action
330 Revenant Revenant Sabbat U Retainer Tzimisce
331 Rolling with the Punches Rolling with the Punches Sabbat C Combat
332 Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The Sabbat U Master
333 Sabbat Inquisitor Sabbat Inquisitor Sabbat U Political Action
334 Sabbat Priest Sabbat Priest Sabbat C Political Action
335 Sacrament of Carnage Sacrament of Carnage Sabbat C Combat
336 Sacrifice Sacrifice Sabbat U Political Action
337 Scouting Mission Scouting Mission Sabbat C Action
338 Screw the Masquerade! Screw the Masquerade! Sabbat C Political Action
339 Scrying of Secrets Scrying of Secrets Sabbat U Action Modifier
340 Secret Horde Secret Horde Sabbat C Master
341 Sermon of Caine Sermon of Caine Sabbat C Master
342 Shade Shade Sabbat U Retainer
343 Shadow Body Shadow Body Sabbat C Combat
344 Shadow Court Satyr Shadow Court Satyr Sabbat R Ally Gangrel antitribu
345 Shadow of the Beast Shadow of the Beast Sabbat U Action
346 Shadow Play Shadow Play Sabbat C Action Modifier
347 Shadow Step Shadow Step Sabbat R Combat
348 Shanty Town Hunting Ground Shanty Town Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Nosferatu antitribu
349 Short-Term Investment Short-Term Investment Sabbat C Master
350 Shotgun Ritual Shotgun Ritual Sabbat R Combat
351 Shroud of Night Shroud of Night Sabbat C Action Modifier
352 Side Strike Side Strike Sabbat C Combat
353 Skin of Rock Skin of Rock Sabbat C Combat
354 Slaughtering the Herd Slaughtering the Herd Sabbat U Action
355 Slave Auction Slave Auction Sabbat R Master
356 Sleeping Mind, The Sleeping Mind, The Sabbat C Action Modifier
357 Social Charm Social Charm Sabbat C Action
358 Song in the Dark Song in the Dark Sabbat R Combat
359 Song of Serenity Song of Serenity Sabbat C Combat
360 Soul Burn Soul Burn Sabbat C Combat
361 Speed of Thought Speed of Thought Sabbat R Action
362 Spirit Summoning Chamber Spirit Summoning Chamber Sabbat U Master Tremere antitribu
363 Spirit's Touch Spirit's Touch Sabbat C Reaction
364 Sport Bike Sport Bike Sabbat U Equipment
365 Staredown Staredown Sabbat C Combat
366 Steam Tunnels Steam Tunnels Sabbat C Master Nosferatu antitribu
367 Submachine Gun Submachine Gun Sabbat U Equipment
368 Succubus Succubus Sabbat R Ally Tremere antitribu
369 Sudden Reversal Sudden Reversal Sabbat U Master
370 Summon the Abyss Summon the Abyss Sabbat R Action
371 Sunrise Service Sunrise Service Sabbat R Action
372 Superior Mettle Superior Mettle Sabbat C Combat
373 Surprise Influence Surprise Influence Sabbat C Reaction
374 Survivalist Survivalist Sabbat U Ally Brujah antitribu
375 Swallowed by the Night Swallowed by the Night Sabbat C Action Modifier/Combat
376 Sword of Judgment Sword of Judgment Sabbat R Equipment Brujah antitribu
377 Telepathic Counter Telepathic Counter Sabbat C Reaction
378 Terror Frenzy Terror Frenzy Sabbat R Combat
379 Thanks for the Donation Thanks for the Donation Sabbat R Action
380 Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy Sabbat C Master
381 Theft of Vitae Theft of Vitae Sabbat C Combat
382 Threats Threats Sabbat C Action Modifier
383 Thrown Gate Thrown Gate Sabbat C Combat
384 Tier of Souls Tier of Souls Sabbat R Action
385 Tithings Tithings Sabbat R Political Action
386 Transfer of Power Transfer of Power Sabbat R Political Action
387 Trap Trap Sabbat C Combat
388 Tribute to the Master Tribute to the Master Sabbat C Master
389 Twisted Forest Twisted Forest Sabbat R Master Gangrel antitribu
390 Twisting the Knife Twisting the Knife Sabbat R Combat
391 Unacceptable Appearance Unacceptable Appearance Sabbat U Master
392 Undead Persistence Undead Persistence Sabbat U Combat
393 Undead Strength Undead Strength Sabbat C Combat
394 University Hunting Ground University Hunting Ground Sabbat U Master Tremere antitribu
395 Unnatural Disaster Unnatural Disaster Sabbat U Master
396 Up Yours! Up Yours! Sabbat R Combat
397 Using the Advantage Using the Advantage Sabbat R Master Nosferatu antitribu
398 Vaulderie Vaulderie Sabbat U Action
399 Ventrue Investment Ventrue Investment Sabbat U Master Ventrue antitribu
400 Vicissitude Vicissitude Sabbat C Master
401 Vicissitude Poisoning Vicissitude Poisoning Sabbat R Master
402 Voter Captivation Voter Captivation Sabbat U Action Modifier
403 Walk of Flame Walk of Flame Sabbat U Combat
404 Walk through Arcadia Walk through Arcadia Sabbat R Action Modifier Malkavian antitribu
405 War Ghoul War Ghoul Sabbat R Ally Tzimisce
406 War Party War Party Sabbat U Action
407 Wave of Insanity Wave of Insanity Sabbat R Action
408 White Phosphorus Grenade White Phosphorus Grenade Sabbat U Equipment
409 Wolf Claws Wolf Claws Sabbat C Combat
410 Wolf Companion Wolf Companion Sabbat U Retainer