==> L'extension Jyhad comprend 437 cartes.

CRYPT Cards (111 cartes)
1 Angel Angel Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
2 Anvil Anvil Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
3 Appolonius Appolonius Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
4 Bianca Bianca Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
5 Black Cat Black Cat Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
6 Crusher Crusher Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
7 Don Cruez, The Idealist Don Cruez, The Idealist Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
8 Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
9 Hector Sosa Hector Sosa Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
10 Lupo Lupo Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
11 Miranda Sanova Miranda Sanova Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
12 Rake Rake Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
13 Tura Vaughn Tura Vaughn Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
14 Uma Hatch Uma Hatch Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
15 Yuri, The Talon Yuri, The Talon Jyhad V Vampire Brujah 1
16 Hasina Kesi Hasina Kesi Jyhad V Vampire Caitiff 1
17 Igo the Hungry Igo the Hungry Jyhad V Vampire Caitiff 1
18 Navar McClaren Navar McClaren Jyhad V Vampire Caitiff 1
19 Nik Nik Jyhad V Vampire Caitiff 1
20 Smudge the Ignored Smudge the Ignored Jyhad V Vampire Caitiff 1
21 Uriah Winter Uriah Winter Jyhad V Vampire Caitiff 1
22 Anastasia Grey Anastasia Grey Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
23 Angus the Unruled Angus the Unruled Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
24 Badger Badger Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
25 Basilia Basilia Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
26 Bear Paw Bear Paw Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
27 Camille Devereux, The Raven Camille Devereux, The Raven Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
28 Gitane St. Claire Gitane St. Claire Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
29 Giuliano Vincenzi Giuliano Vincenzi Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
30 Gunther, Beast Lord Gunther, Beast Lord Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
31 Quinton McDonnell Quinton McDonnell Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
32 Ricki Van Demsi Ricki Van Demsi Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
33 Roman Alexander Roman Alexander Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
34 Vliam Andor Vliam Andor Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
35 Wynn Wynn Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
36 Zack North Zack North Jyhad V Vampire Gangrel 1
37 Aleph Aleph Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
38 Brazil Brazil Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
39 Dancin' Dana Dancin' Dana Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
40 Didi Meyers Didi Meyers Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
41 Dollface Dollface Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
42 Dr. Jest Dr. Jest Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
43 Gilbert Duane Gilbert Duane Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
44 Lucian Lucian Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
45 Mariel, Lady Thunder Mariel, Lady Thunder Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
46 Normal Normal Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
47 Ozmo Ozmo Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
48 Roland Bishop Roland Bishop Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
49 Roxanne, Rectrix of the 13th Floor Roxanne, Rectrix of the 13th Floor Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
50 Sylvester Simms Sylvester Simms Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
51 Zebulon Zebulon Jyhad V Vampire Malkavian 1
52 Agrippina Agrippina Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
53 Chester DuBois Chester DuBois Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
54 Dimple Dimple Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
55 Duck Duck Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
56 Ebanezer Roush Ebanezer Roush Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
57 Grendel the Worm-Eaten Grendel the Worm-Eaten Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
58 KoKo KoKo Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
59 Lucretia, Cess Queen Lucretia, Cess Queen Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
60 Marty Lechtansi Marty Lechtansi Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
61 Sammy Sammy Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
62 Sebastian Marley Sebastian Marley Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
63 Selma the Repugnant Selma the Repugnant Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
64 Sheldon, Lord of the Clog Sheldon, Lord of the Clog Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
65 Tiberius, The Scandalmonger Tiberius, The Scandalmonger Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
66 Tusk, The Talebearer Tusk, The Talebearer Jyhad V Vampire Nosferatu 1
67 Adrianne Adrianne Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
68 Andreas, The Bard of Crete Andreas, The Bard of Crete Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
69 Anneke Anneke Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
70 Anson Anson Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
71 Colin Flynn Colin Flynn Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
72 Delilah Easton Delilah Easton Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
73 Demetrius Slater Demetrius Slater Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
74 Dieter Kleist Dieter Kleist Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
75 Dorian Strack Dorian Strack Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
76 Eliott Sinclair, Virtuoso Thespian Eliott Sinclair, Virtuoso Thespian Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
77 Felicia Mostrom Felicia Mostrom Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
78 Kallista, Master Sculptor Kallista, Master Sculptor Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
79 Masika Masika Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
80 Ramiel DuPre Ramiel DuPre Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
81 Tatiana Romanov Tatiana Romanov Jyhad V Vampire Toreador 1
82 Astrid Thomas Astrid Thomas Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
83 Cardano Cardano Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
84 Cassandra, Magus Prime Cassandra, Magus Prime Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
85 Dr. John Casey Dr. John Casey Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
86 Ignatius Ignatius Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
87 Jing Wei Jing Wei Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
88 Justine, Elder of Dallas Justine, Elder of Dallas Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
89 Lazarus Lazarus Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
90 Lydia Van Cuelen Lydia Van Cuelen Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
91 Merrill Molitor Merrill Molitor Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
92 Roreca Quaid Roreca Quaid Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
93 Sabine Lafitte Sabine Lafitte Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
94 Sarah Cobbler Sarah Cobbler Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
95 Thomas Thorne Thomas Thorne Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
96 Ulugh Beg, The Watcher Ulugh Beg, The Watcher Jyhad V Vampire Tremere 1
97 Courtland Leighton Courtland Leighton Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
98 Democritus Democritus Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
99 Emerson Bridges Emerson Bridges Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
100 Gideon Fontaine Gideon Fontaine Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
101 Heather Florent, The Opportunist Heather Florent, The Opportunist Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
102 Helena Casimir Helena Casimir Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
103 Jazz Wentworth Jazz Wentworth Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
104 Luccia Paciola Luccia Paciola Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
105 Melissa Barton Melissa Barton Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
106 Natasha Volfchek Natasha Volfchek Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
107 Roland Loussarian Roland Loussarian Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
108 Rufina Soledad Rufina Soledad Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
109 Sir Walter Nash Sir Walter Nash Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
110 Timothy Crowley Timothy Crowley Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
111 Violette Prentiss Violette Prentiss Jyhad V Vampire Ventrue 1
LIBRARY Cards (326 cartes)
112 .44 Magnum .44 Magnum Jyhad C Equipment
113 Aaron's Feeding Razor Aaron's Feeding Razor Jyhad R Equipment
114 Academic Hunting Ground Academic Hunting Ground Jyhad U Master Tremere
115 Aching Beauty Aching Beauty Jyhad U Master Toreador
116 Acrobatics Acrobatics Jyhad C Combat
117 Aid from Bats Aid from Bats Jyhad C Combat
118 Al's Army Apparatus Al's Army Apparatus Jyhad R2 Master Brujah
119 Amaranth Amaranth Jyhad U Combat
120 Anarch Revolt Anarch Revolt Jyhad U Master
121 Anarch Troublemaker Anarch Troublemaker Jyhad R Master
122 Ancient Influence Ancient Influence Jyhad C Political Action
123 Ancilla Empowerment Ancilla Empowerment Jyhad C Political Action
124 Animalism Animalism Jyhad C Master
125 Arcane Library Arcane Library Jyhad R Master Tremere
126 Archon Archon Jyhad V Political Action
127 Arms Dealer Arms Dealer Jyhad U Ally Brujah
128 Army of Rats Army of Rats Jyhad C Action
129 Arson Arson Jyhad C Action
130 Art Museum Art Museum Jyhad R Master Toreador
131 Ascendance Ascendance Jyhad C Master
132 Assault Rifle Assault Rifle Jyhad U Equipment
133 Asylum Hunting Ground Asylum Hunting Ground Jyhad U Master Malkavian
134 Aura Reading Aura Reading Jyhad U2 Combat
135 Auspex Auspex Jyhad C Master
136 Autarkis Persecution Autarkis Persecution Jyhad C Political Action
137 Backways Backways Jyhad U Master Gangrel
138 Barrens, The Barrens, The Jyhad C Master
139 Bastard Sword Bastard Sword Jyhad U2 Equipment
140 Behind You! Behind You! Jyhad R2 Combat
141 Betrayer Betrayer Jyhad R Master
142 Bewitching Oration Bewitching Oration Jyhad C Action Modifier
143 Blood Bond Blood Bond Jyhad U Action
144 Blood Doll Blood Doll Jyhad C Master
145 Blood Fury Blood Fury Jyhad C Combat
146 Blood Hunt Blood Hunt Jyhad U Action
147 Blood Puppy Blood Puppy Jyhad R Master
148 Blood Rage Blood Rage Jyhad C Combat
149 Blur Blur Jyhad C Combat
150 Body of Sun Body of Sun Jyhad R Combat
151 Bomb Bomb Jyhad U Equipment
152 Bonding Bonding Jyhad C Action Modifier
153 Boxed In Boxed In Jyhad C Combat
154 Brainwash Brainwash Jyhad C Master
155 Bribes Bribes Jyhad C Action Modifier
156 Brujah Frenzy Brujah Frenzy Jyhad U Master
157 Brujah Justicar Brujah Justicar Jyhad R Political Action
158 Bum's Rush Bum's Rush Jyhad C Action
159 Burst of Sunlight Burst of Sunlight Jyhad R2 Combat
160 Business Pressure Business Pressure Jyhad R2 Action Modifier
161 Camarilla Exemplary Camarilla Exemplary Jyhad C Political Action
162 Canine Horde Canine Horde Jyhad C Combat
163 Cat Burglary Cat Burglary Jyhad R Action
164 Cats' Guidance Cats' Guidance Jyhad C Reaction
165 Cauldron of Blood Cauldron of Blood Jyhad C Combat
166 Celerity Celerity Jyhad C Master
167 Chainsaw Chainsaw Jyhad U2 Equipment
168 Change of Target Change of Target Jyhad U Action Modifier
169 Chantry Chantry Jyhad U Master Tremere
170 Charming Lobby Charming Lobby Jyhad U Action
171 Charnas the Imp Charnas the Imp Jyhad R Retainer Tremere
172 Claws of the Dead Claws of the Dead Jyhad C Combat
173 Cloak the Gathering Cloak the Gathering Jyhad C Action Modifier
174 Computer Hacking Computer Hacking Jyhad C Action
175 Concealed Weapon Concealed Weapon Jyhad C Combat
176 Conditioning Conditioning Jyhad C Action Modifier
177 Conquer the Beast Conquer the Beast Jyhad R Combat
178 Consanguineous Boon Consanguineous Boon Jyhad C Political Action
179 Consanguineous Condemnation Consanguineous Condemnation Jyhad C Political Action
180 Conservative Agitation Conservative Agitation Jyhad C Political Action
181 Cryptic Mission Cryptic Mission Jyhad C Action
182 Cryptic Rider Cryptic Rider Jyhad U Action Modifier
183 Cultivated Blood Shortage Cultivated Blood Shortage Jyhad U Master
184 Cunctator Motion Cunctator Motion Jyhad R2 Political Action
185 Curse of Nitocris Curse of Nitocris Jyhad R Master
186 Dawn Operation Dawn Operation Jyhad U Action Modifier
187 Day Operation Day Operation Jyhad R Action Modifier
188 Dead-End Alley Dead-End Alley Jyhad C Combat
189 Deal with the Devil Deal with the Devil Jyhad C Master
190 Deer Rifle Deer Rifle Jyhad C Equipment
191 Deflection Deflection Jyhad C Reaction
192 Delaying Tactics Delaying Tactics Jyhad U Reaction
193 Disarming Presence Disarming Presence Jyhad U Action Modifier
194 Disguised Weapon Disguised Weapon Jyhad C Combat
195 Disputed Territory Disputed Territory Jyhad C Political Action
196 Distraction Distraction Jyhad R2 Action
197 Dodge Dodge Jyhad C Combat
198 Domain Challenge Domain Challenge Jyhad C Political Action
199 Dominate Dominate Jyhad C Master
200 Dominate Kine Dominate Kine Jyhad U Action
201 Dragon's Breath Rounds Dragon's Breath Rounds Jyhad U Combat
202 Drain Essence Drain Essence Jyhad V Combat
203 Dramatic Upheaval Dramatic Upheaval Jyhad C Political Action
204 Drawing Out the Beast Drawing Out the Beast Jyhad C Combat
205 Dread Gaze Dread Gaze Jyhad U Reaction
206 Eagle's Sight Eagle's Sight Jyhad C Reaction
207 Earth Control Earth Control Jyhad C Action Modifier
208 Earth Meld Earth Meld Jyhad R Combat
209 Ecoterrorists Ecoterrorists Jyhad C Master Gangrel
210 Effective Management Effective Management Jyhad U Master
211 Elder Kindred Network Elder Kindred Network Jyhad C Reaction Ventrue
212 Elder Library Elder Library Jyhad U Master
213 Elysium: The Arboretum Elysium: The Arboretum Jyhad R2 Master
214 Embrace, The Embrace, The Jyhad C Action
215 Enchant Kindred Enchant Kindred Jyhad C Action
216 Enhanced Senses Enhanced Senses Jyhad R Reaction
217 Entrancement Entrancement Jyhad C Action
218 Faceless Night Faceless Night Jyhad C Action Modifier
219 Fake Out Fake Out Jyhad U Combat
220 Fame Fame Jyhad R2 Master
221 Far Mastery Far Mastery Jyhad U Action
222 Fast Hands Fast Hands Jyhad C Combat
223 Fast Reaction Fast Reaction Jyhad U Reaction
224 Fifth Tradition: Hospitality Fifth Tradition: Hospitality Jyhad R2 Action
225 First Tradition: The Masquerade First Tradition: The Masquerade Jyhad R Political Action
226 Fists of Death Fists of Death Jyhad C Combat
227 Flak Jacket Flak Jacket Jyhad U Equipment
228 Flamethrower Flamethrower Jyhad C Equipment
229 Flash Flash Jyhad R2 Combat
230 Flesh of Marble Flesh of Marble Jyhad U2 Combat
231 Form of Mist Form of Mist Jyhad C Combat
232 Form of the Ghost Form of the Ghost Jyhad C Combat
233 Fortitude Fortitude Jyhad U Master
234 Fourth Tradition: The Accounting Fourth Tradition: The Accounting Jyhad R Action
235 Fragment of the Book of Nod Fragment of the Book of Nod Jyhad R2 Master
236 Freak Drive Freak Drive Jyhad C Action Modifier
237 Frenzy Frenzy Jyhad U Master
238 Game of Malkav Game of Malkav Jyhad U Master Malkavian
239 Gangrel Atavism Gangrel Atavism Jyhad R Master
240 Gangrel Justicar Gangrel Justicar Jyhad R Political Action
241 Ghoul Escort Ghoul Escort Jyhad R2 Retainer
242 Ghoul Retainer Ghoul Retainer Jyhad R Retainer
243 Giant's Blood Giant's Blood Jyhad C Master
244 Gird Minions Gird Minions Jyhad U Master
245 Glaser Rounds Glaser Rounds Jyhad C Combat
246 Gleam of Red Eyes Gleam of Red Eyes Jyhad R Combat
247 Golconda: Inner Peace Golconda: Inner Peace Jyhad C Master
248 Govern the Unaligned Govern the Unaligned Jyhad U Action
249 Graverobbing Graverobbing Jyhad U2 Action
250 Grenade Grenade Jyhad C Equipment
251 Growing Fury Growing Fury Jyhad U Combat
252 Gypsies Gypsies Jyhad C Ally Gangrel
253 Haven Uncovered Haven Uncovered Jyhad C Master
254 Hawg Hawg Jyhad R2 Equipment
255 Hellhound Hellhound Jyhad C Ally
256 Hidden Lurker Hidden Lurker Jyhad R2 Action Modifier
257 High Stakes High Stakes Jyhad U Political Action Ventrue
258 Homunculus Homunculus Jyhad R Retainer
259 Hostile Takeover Hostile Takeover Jyhad C Master Ventrue
260 Illegal Search and Seizure Illegal Search and Seizure Jyhad R2 Master
261 Immortal Grapple Immortal Grapple Jyhad C Combat
262 Indomitability Indomitability Jyhad U2 Combat
263 Infernal Pursuit Infernal Pursuit Jyhad U Combat
264 Information Highway Information Highway Jyhad U2 Master
265 IR Goggles IR Goggles Jyhad R Equipment
266 Ivory Bow Ivory Bow Jyhad R2 Equipment
267 J. S. Simmons, Esq. J. S. Simmons, Esq. Jyhad R2 Retainer
268 Jackie Therman Jackie Therman Jyhad R2 Retainer
269 Kindred Intelligence Kindred Intelligence Jyhad V Action Nosferatu
270 Kindred Restructure Kindred Restructure Jyhad V Political Action
271 Kindred Segregation Kindred Segregation Jyhad R Political Action
272 Kindred Society Games Kindred Society Games Jyhad R Master Toreador
273 Kine Resources Contested Kine Resources Contested Jyhad C Political Action
274 Knights, The Knights, The Jyhad R Ally Brujah
275 KRCG News Radio KRCG News Radio Jyhad U Master
276 Labyrinth, The Labyrinth, The Jyhad U Master Nosferatu
277 Laptop Computer Laptop Computer Jyhad C Equipment
278 Legal Manipulations Legal Manipulations Jyhad C Action
279 Letter from Vienna Letter from Vienna Jyhad U Master
280 Lextalionis Lextalionis Jyhad V Political Action
281 Life Boon Life Boon Jyhad U Master
282 Lost in Crowds Lost in Crowds Jyhad C Action Modifier
283 Loyal Street Gang Loyal Street Gang Jyhad U Ally Brujah
284 Lucky Blow Lucky Blow Jyhad C Combat
285 Madness Network Madness Network Jyhad R Master Malkavian
286 Magic of the Smith Magic of the Smith Jyhad R Action
287 Majesty Majesty Jyhad C Combat
288 Major Boon Major Boon Jyhad U Master
289 Malkavian Dementia Malkavian Dementia Jyhad U Master
290 Malkavian Justicar Malkavian Justicar Jyhad R Political Action
291 Malkavian Prank Malkavian Prank Jyhad R2 Master Malkavian
292 Malkavian Time Auction Malkavian Time Auction Jyhad R Master Malkavian
293 Manstopper Rounds Manstopper Rounds Jyhad U2 Combat
294 Mask of a Thousand Faces Mask of a Thousand Faces Jyhad U Action Modifier
295 Masquerade Endangered Masquerade Endangered Jyhad U Master
296 Masquerade Enforcement Masquerade Enforcement Jyhad V Political Action
297 Metro Underground Metro Underground Jyhad U Master
298 Mighty Grapple Mighty Grapple Jyhad C Combat
299 Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter Jyhad R Master
300 Minion Tap Minion Tap Jyhad C Master
301 Minor Boon Minor Boon Jyhad U Master
302 Misdirection Misdirection Jyhad C Master
303 Mob Connections Mob Connections Jyhad U Master
304 Monocle of Clarity Monocle of Clarity Jyhad R Equipment
305 Movement of the Mind Movement of the Mind Jyhad C Combat
306 Movement of the Slow Body Movement of the Slow Body Jyhad U Action
307 Mr. Winthrop Mr. Winthrop Jyhad R2 Retainer
308 Muddled Vampire Hunter Muddled Vampire Hunter Jyhad U Ally Malkavian
309 Murder of Crows Murder of Crows Jyhad R2 Retainer
310 Night Moves Night Moves Jyhad U2 Action
311 Nimble Feet Nimble Feet Jyhad C Combat
312 Nosferatu Justicar Nosferatu Justicar Jyhad R Political Action
313 Nosferatu Putrescence Nosferatu Putrescence Jyhad U Combat
314 Obedience Obedience Jyhad U Reaction
315 Obfuscate Obfuscate Jyhad C Master
316 Open Grate Open Grate Jyhad C Combat
317 Outcast Mage Outcast Mage Jyhad U Ally Tremere
318 Owl Companion Owl Companion Jyhad U Retainer
319 Parity Shift Parity Shift Jyhad V Political Action
320 Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight Jyhad R Action Nosferatu
321 Peace Treaty Peace Treaty Jyhad C Political Action
322 Police Department Police Department Jyhad U Master
323 Political Ally Political Ally Jyhad R Ally Ventrue
324 Political Backlash Political Backlash Jyhad C Reaction
325 Political Flux Political Flux Jyhad C Political Action
326 Potence Potence Jyhad C Master
327 Powerbase: Chicago Powerbase: Chicago Jyhad U Master
328 Powerbase: Washington, D.C. Powerbase: Washington, D.C. Jyhad U Master
329 Praxis Seizure: Atlanta Praxis Seizure: Atlanta Jyhad R Political Action
330 Praxis Seizure: Boston Praxis Seizure: Boston Jyhad R Political Action
331 Praxis Seizure: Chicago Praxis Seizure: Chicago Jyhad R Political Action
332 Praxis Seizure: Cleveland Praxis Seizure: Cleveland Jyhad R Political Action
333 Praxis Seizure: Dallas Praxis Seizure: Dallas Jyhad R Political Action
334 Praxis Seizure: Houston Praxis Seizure: Houston Jyhad R Political Action
335 Praxis Seizure: Miami Praxis Seizure: Miami Jyhad R Political Action
336 Praxis Seizure: Seattle Praxis Seizure: Seattle Jyhad R Political Action
337 Praxis Seizure: Washington, D.C. Praxis Seizure: Washington, D.C. Jyhad R Political Action
338 Praxis Solomon Praxis Solomon Jyhad V Political Action
339 Presence Presence Jyhad C Master
340 Protean Protean Jyhad C Master
341 Protracted Investment Protracted Investment Jyhad C Master
342 Psyche! Psyche! Jyhad U Combat
343 Psychic Projection Psychic Projection Jyhad R2 Action
344 Psychic Veil Psychic Veil Jyhad R Action
345 Pulled Fangs Pulled Fangs Jyhad R2 Combat
346 Pulling Strings Pulling Strings Jyhad U2 Reaction
347 Pulse of the Canaille Pulse of the Canaille Jyhad U Action
348 Rack, The Rack, The Jyhad U Master
349 Rampage Rampage Jyhad U2 Action
350 Rapid Healing Rapid Healing Jyhad C Action
351 Rat's Warning Rat's Warning Jyhad C Reaction
352 Raven Spy Raven Spy Jyhad U Retainer
353 Read Intentions Read Intentions Jyhad C Combat
354 Regaining the Upper Hand Regaining the Upper Hand Jyhad C Political Action
355 Renegade Garou Renegade Garou Jyhad R2 Ally Gangrel
356 Resplendent Protector Resplendent Protector Jyhad R2 Retainer Toreador
357 Restoration Restoration Jyhad C Action
358 Reversal of Fortunes Reversal of Fortunes Jyhad V Political Action
359 Ritual Challenge Ritual Challenge Jyhad R Action Gangrel
360 Ritual of the Bitter Rose Ritual of the Bitter Rose Jyhad R2 Action Modifier/Combat
361 Rötschreck Rötschreck Jyhad U Master
362 Rowan Ring Rowan Ring Jyhad R Equipment
363 RPG Launcher RPG Launcher Jyhad R Equipment
364 Rumors of Gehenna Rumors of Gehenna Jyhad R2 Political Action
365 Sabbat Threat Sabbat Threat Jyhad V Political Action
366 Saturday-Night Special Saturday-Night Special Jyhad C Equipment
367 Sawed-Off Shotgun Sawed-Off Shotgun Jyhad C Equipment
368 Scorn of Adonis Scorn of Adonis Jyhad U Action Modifier Toreador
369 Second Tradition: Domain Second Tradition: Domain Jyhad U Reaction
370 Seduction Seduction Jyhad C Action Modifier
371 Sengir Dagger Sengir Dagger Jyhad R Equipment
372 Shattering Blow Shattering Blow Jyhad C Combat
373 Short-Term Investment Short-Term Investment Jyhad C Master
374 Sideslip Sideslip Jyhad C Combat
375 Sixth Tradition: Destruction Sixth Tradition: Destruction Jyhad U Action
376 Skin of Night Skin of Night Jyhad U Combat
377 Skin of Rock Skin of Rock Jyhad C Combat
378 Skin of Steel Skin of Steel Jyhad C Combat
379 Slashers, The Slashers, The Jyhad R Ally Brujah
380 Slum Hunting Ground Slum Hunting Ground Jyhad U Master Nosferatu
381 Smiling Jack, The Anarch Smiling Jack, The Anarch Jyhad R Master
382 Social Charm Social Charm Jyhad C Action
383 Society Hunting Ground Society Hunting Ground Jyhad U Master Toreador
384 Society of Leopold Society of Leopold Jyhad R Master
385 Soul Gem of Etrius Soul Gem of Etrius Jyhad R Equipment
386 Spawning Pool, The Spawning Pool, The Jyhad R Master Nosferatu
387 Spirit's Touch Spirit's Touch Jyhad C Reaction
388 Sport Bike Sport Bike Jyhad U2 Equipment
389 Spying Mission Spying Mission Jyhad U Action Modifier
390 Storm Sewers Storm Sewers Jyhad U Master Nosferatu
391 Submachine Gun Submachine Gun Jyhad U Equipment
392 Succubus Club Succubus Club Jyhad U2 Master
393 Sudden Reversal Sudden Reversal Jyhad R Master
394 Surprise Influence Surprise Influence Jyhad U Reaction
395 Talbot's Chainsaw Talbot's Chainsaw Jyhad C Equipment
396 Tasha Morgan Tasha Morgan Jyhad R Retainer
397 Taste of Vitae Taste of Vitae Jyhad R2 Combat
398 Telepathic Counter Telepathic Counter Jyhad U Reaction
399 Telepathic Misdirection Telepathic Misdirection Jyhad C Reaction
400 Telepathic Vote Counting Telepathic Vote Counting Jyhad C Action Modifier
401 Temptation of Greater Power Temptation of Greater Power Jyhad R Master
402 Thadius Zho Thadius Zho Jyhad R Ally Tremere
403 Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy Jyhad R2 Master
404 Theft of Vitae Theft of Vitae Jyhad C Combat
405 Third Tradition: Progeny Third Tradition: Progeny Jyhad C Action
406 Threats Threats Jyhad U Action Modifier
407 Thrown Gate Thrown Gate Jyhad C Combat
408 Thrown Sewer Lid Thrown Sewer Lid Jyhad C Combat
409 Toreador Justicar Toreador Justicar Jyhad C Political Action
410 Torn Signpost Torn Signpost Jyhad R Combat
411 Tragic Love Affair Tragic Love Affair Jyhad U Master Toreador
412 Trap Trap Jyhad U Combat
413 Tremere Justicar Tremere Justicar Jyhad C Political Action
414 Undead Persistence Undead Persistence Jyhad R Combat
415 Undead Strength Undead Strength Jyhad U2 Combat
416 Unflinching Persistence Unflinching Persistence Jyhad C Combat
417 Unnatural Disaster Unnatural Disaster Jyhad C Master
418 Uptown Hunting Ground Uptown Hunting Ground Jyhad C Master Ventrue
419 Vampiric Disease Vampiric Disease Jyhad U Master
420 Vampiric Speed Vampiric Speed Jyhad R Combat
421 Vanish from the Mind's Eye Vanish from the Mind's Eye Jyhad C Combat
422 Vast Wealth Vast Wealth Jyhad C Master
423 Ventrue Headquarters Ventrue Headquarters Jyhad U Master Ventrue
424 Ventrue Justicar Ventrue Justicar Jyhad U Political Action
425 Voter Captivation Voter Captivation Jyhad R Action Modifier
426 Vulnerability Vulnerability Jyhad U2 Master
427 Wake with Evening's Freshness Wake with Evening's Freshness Jyhad U Reaction
428 Walk of Flame Walk of Flame Jyhad C Combat
429 Warzone Hunting Ground Warzone Hunting Ground Jyhad U2 Master Brujah
430 Weather Control Weather Control Jyhad U Combat
431 Well-Aimed Car Well-Aimed Car Jyhad U Combat
432 Wolf Claws Wolf Claws Jyhad U Combat
433 Wolf Companion Wolf Companion Jyhad C Retainer
434 Wooden Stake Wooden Stake Jyhad U2 Equipment
435 XTC-Laced Blood XTC-Laced Blood Jyhad R Master
436 Zip Gun Zip Gun Jyhad U2 Combat
437 Zoo Hunting Ground Zoo Hunting Ground Jyhad U Master Gangrel