Provision of the Silsila

Final Nights - N° 289 / 386 - Rarity: R2
Type: Action Modifier/Reaction - Clan: Banu Haqim
Discipline: - Pool_Cost:
Conviction_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Usable by a locked vampire.
Only usable after a combat involving this Assamite and a minion with a contract naming this Assamite.
Only usable if the opposing minion is not ready and this Assamite is ready.
This Assamite gains enough blood from the blood bank to reach full capacity, and the contract is burned if still in play.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Provision of the Silsila VTES Legacy I
Provision of the Silsila Lords of the Night
Provision of the Silsila Final Nights