Siren's Lure

VTES Legacy V - N° 85 / 088 - Rarity: POD:DTC
Type: Action Modifier - Clan:
Discipline: Melpominee/Celerity - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
[cel] Burn 2 blood to get +1 stealth.
[mel] Only usable by a ready unlocked vampire other than the acting minion if a minion attempts to block.
That attempt fails and the blocking minion cannot attempt to block this action again.
Lock this vampire and the blocking minion.
After the action resolution, this vampire and the blocking minion enter combat.
[MEL] As [mel] above, but do not lock this modifying vampire.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Siren's Lure VTES Legacy V
Siren's Lure Legacies of Blood
Siren's Lure Bloodlines