Echo of Harmonies

VTES Legacy V - N° 77 / 088 - Rarity: POD:DTC
Type: Action Modifier - Clan:
Discipline: Melpominee/Presence - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: 1 - Burn_Option:
[pre] Only usable during the polling step of a political action.
This vampire gets +2 votes.
[mel] As [pre] above, and usable by a ready vampire other than the acting minion.
[MEL] Only usable after resolution of a political action.
Usable by a ready vampire other than the acting minion.
Move the political action card [POLITICAL ACTION] used to call the referendum from your ash heap to this vampire, face down and out of play; this vampire can play it as if from your hand (requirements and cost apply as normal).

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Echo of Harmonies VTES Legacy V
Echo of Harmonies Legacies of Blood
Echo of Harmonies Bloodlines