Spirit Marionette

VTES Legacy IV - N° 111 / 160 - Rarity: POD:DTC
Type: Action - Clan:
Discipline: Obeah/Dominate - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
[dom] (D) Bleed at +1 bleed.
[obe] (D) Bleed at +1 bleed and lock a ready minion controlled by your prey (even if the target of the bleed is changed).
[OBE] +1 stealth action.
(D) Take control of a ready unlocked minion until the end of the next action.
That minion must bleed your prey unless he or she must hunt.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Spirit Marionette VTES Legacy IV
Spirit Marionette Legacies of Blood
Spirit Marionette Bloodlines