Amam the Devourer

VTES Legacy II - N° 157 / 356 - Rarity: POD:DTC
Type: Ally - Clan: The Ministry
Discipline: - Pool_Cost: 2
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Unique mummy with 3 life.
{2 strength, }0 bleed{}.
Amam {can} enter combat with any{} minion{} as a (D) action.
Amam {can} burn a vampire in torpor to gain 1 life as a (D) action{}.
If a minion opposing Amam in combat is burned, Amam gains 1 life.
If Amam is burned, shuffle him in his owner's library.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Amam the Devourer VTES Legacy II
Amam the Devourer Final Nights