Scorpion's Touch

VTES Legacy I - N° 104 / 112 - Rarity: POD:DTC
Type: Combat - Clan:
Discipline: Quietus - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: 1 - Burn_Option:
[qui] Strike: hand strike or use a melee weapon strike and put this card on the opposing minion.
The attached minion gets -1 strength (this does not affect the current strike resolution).
Any vampire can burn this card as a +1 stealth action.
A minion can have only one Scorpion's Touch.
[QUI] As above, and the attached minion burns 1 blood or life during their unlock phase.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Scorpion's Touch VTES Legacy I
Scorpion's Touch Lords of the Night
Scorpion's Touch Final Nights