Dark Steel
Danse Macabre - N° 23 / 034 - Rarity: C
Type: Combat - Clan:
Discipline: Obtenebration/Potence - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Only usable before range is determined.
A minion can play only one Dark Steel each combat.
[obt][pot] The opposing minion takes 1 damage each round of combat during normal strike resolution (at close range).
This vampire gets an optional maneuver this round, only usable to go to close range.
[OBT][POT] As above, but for 2 damage.
A minion can play only one Dark Steel each combat.
[obt][pot] The opposing minion takes 1 damage each round of combat during normal strike resolution (at close range).
This vampire gets an optional maneuver this round, only usable to go to close range.
[OBT][POT] As above, but for 2 damage.
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