Create Gargoyle

Heirs to the Blood - N° 143 / 324 - Rarity: PGar
Type: Action - Clan: Tremere/Tremere antitribu
Discipline: - Pool_Cost: 2
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
+1 stealth action.
Requires a non-sterile vampire.
Put this card into play; it represents a 2-capacity slave Gargoyle of the same sect enslaved to the acting vampire's clan with basic Visceratika [vis] and flight [FLIGHT].
You may search your hand, library and/or ash heap for a master: Discipline to place on this Gargoyle.
Move up to 3 blood from the acting vampire to this Gargoyle.
This Gargoyle cannot act this turn.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Create Gargoyle Heirs to the Blood
Create Gargoyle Legacies of Blood
Create Gargoyle Bloodlines