
Keepers of Tradition - N° 126 / 457 - Rarity: R
Type: Action - Clan:
Discipline: - Pool_Cost: 1
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
+1 stealth action.
Requires a ready non-sterile vampire.
Burn a ready unlocked werewolf ally you control to put this card in play.
It becomes a unique Independent Abomination with 4 capacity, superior Protean [PRO] and +1 strength.
Move up to 4 blood from the acting vampire to this vampire.
This vampire gets an additional strike each round and an optional maneuver each combat.
He may enter combat with a ready minion as a (D) action.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Abomination Keepers of Tradition
Abomination Final Nights