Seal of Veddartha

Gehenna - N° 131 / 150 - Rarity: R
Type: Equipment - Clan:
Discipline: - Pool_Cost: 1
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Unique equipment.
Only usable by a vampire with capacity above 5.
This vampire can bleed at +1 bleed as a (D) action.
During each of your unlock phases, put a counter on this card if it has 3 or fewer counters.
The first 2 counters each grant this vampire one level of Dominate [dom].
The next 2 each grant this vampire one level of Fortitude [for].
Remove all counters from this card if another minion gains control of it.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Seal of Veddartha Keepers of Tradition
Seal of Veddartha Gehenna