Absimiliard's Army

Gehenna - N° 51 / 150 - Rarity: R
Type: Event - Clan:
Discipline: - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Do not replace until a Methuselah is ousted.
Requires at least one other Gehenna card in play.
During each Methuselah's unlock phase, he or she may put the top card of his or her library in play.
That card represents a nameless, textless ghoul ally with 2 life, 2 strength and 1 bleed.
If the ally is burned, it is removed from the game.
When a Methuselah is ousted, burn this card.
Remove all such allies from the game when this card leaves play.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Absimiliard's Army Gehenna