Nightmare Curse

Bloodlines - N° 140 / 196 - Rarity: R1
Type: Action - Clan:
Discipline: Auspex & Chimerstry - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: 2 - Burn_Option:
[chi] (D) Lock a ready minion and unlock this acting vampire.
[aus][chi] (D) Put this card on a ready minion and lock him or her.
This minion doesn't unlock as normal.
During this minion's unlock phase, he or she may burn a pool to unlock.
Burn this card when the acting vampire leaves play.
[AUS][CHI] As [aus][chi] above, but without the option to burn a pool to unlock.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Nightmare Curse VTES Legacy III
Nightmare Curse Lords of the Night
Nightmare Curse Bloodlines