Grandest Trick, The

Bloodlines - N° 122 / 196 - Rarity: R2
Type: Action Modifier - Clan: Kiasyd
Discipline: - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: 2 - Burn_Option: Y
Only usable when an action is announced.
Vampires cannot block this minion.
This acting vampire is treated as a mortal ally for the duration of the action (cannot spend or burn blood, cannot use Disciplines, will burn if reduced to 0 life, etc.).
This vampire's blood represents his or her life while he or she is an ally.
Only usable on an action that doesn't cost blood or require a vampire, clan or Discipline.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Grandest Trick, The Legacies of Blood
Grandest Trick, The Bloodlines