Coordinate Attacks

Bloodlines - N° 97 / 196 - Rarity: C2
Type: Combat - Clan:
Discipline: Sanguinus - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Requires a ready unlocked Blood Brother of the same circle as another one you control in combat.
[san] Only usable at the end of a round if the minion opposing the Blood Brother you control is still ready and combat is about to end.
After this round, this Blood Brother locks and enters combat with the opposing minion.
The first round of combat, the opposing minion cannot play any strike cards.
[SAN] As [san] above, and this Blood Brother gets an optional maneuver on the first round of combat.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Coordinate Attacks Legacies of Blood
Coordinate Attacks Bloodlines