Red Herring
Final Nights - N° 305 / 386 - Rarity: C2/PR
Type: Action Modifier - Clan:
Discipline: Chimerstry - Pool_Cost:
Blood_Cost: 1 - Burn_Option:
[chi] Only usable when this acting vampire is blocked.
Unlock the acting vampire, do not lock the blocking minion, and cancel the current action and combat.
Take the card played to perform the action (if any) back into your hand.
Your vampires cannot attempt the same action again this turn.
Discard down to your hand size.
[CHI] As above, but lock the blocking minion.
Unlock the acting vampire, do not lock the blocking minion, and cancel the current action and combat.
Take the card played to perform the action (if any) back into your hand.
Your vampires cannot attempt the same action again this turn.
Discard down to your hand size.
[CHI] As above, but lock the blocking minion.
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