Ambrosius, The Ferryman

Final Nights - N° 113 / 386 - Rarity: PG
Type: Ally - Clan: Giovanni
Discipline: - Pool_Cost: 3
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Unique wraith with 2 life.
1 strength, 0 bleed.
{}{Ambrosius} can move a retainer from your ash heap to a ready vampire you control {(ignore requirements)}{, and put 3 {p}athos counters on that retainer} as an action.
{During your unlock phase, burn} a {p}athos counter from that retainer{}.
{Remove the retainer from the game if it has no pathos counters.} {Ambrosius is immune to {non-aggravated damage}.}

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Ambrosius, The Ferryman VTES Legacy II
Ambrosius, The Ferryman Final Nights
Ambrosius, The Ferryman Ancient Hearts