Renegade Garou

VTES - N° 355 / 436 - Rarity: R
Type: Ally - Clan: Gangrel
Discipline: - Pool_Cost: 5
Blood_Cost: - Burn_Option:
Werewolf with 3 life.
2 strength, 0 bleed.
Renegade Garou gets an additional strike each round and an optional maneuver each combat.
He may enter combat with a minion controlled by another Methuselah as a +1 stealth (D) action.
If Renegade Garou has 2 or fewer life during your unlock phase, he gains 1 life from the blood bank.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Renegade Garou Keepers of Tradition
Renegade Garou Anarchs
Renegade Garou VTES
Renegade Garou Jyhad