==> L'extension Nights of Reckoning comprend 60 cartes.

CRYPT Cards (20 cartes)
1 Jennifer Jennifer "Flame61" Vidisania Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Avenger 4
2 John John "Cop90" O'Malley Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Avenger 4
3 Pedro Cortez Pedro Cortez Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Avenger 4
4 Jack Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Defender 4
5 Lupe Lupe "Cabbie22" Droin Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Defender 4
6 Xian Xian "DziDzat155" Quan Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Defender 4
7 Béatrice Béatrice "Oracle171" Tremblay Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Innocent 4
8 Inez Inez "Nurse216" Villagrande Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Innocent 4
9 Liz Liz "Ticket312" Thornton Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Innocent 4
10 Erick Erick "Shophet125" Franco Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Judge 4
11 François François "Warden" Loehr Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Judge 4
12 Anna Anna "Dictatrix11" Suljic Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Martyr 4
13 Maman Boumba Maman Boumba Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Martyr 4
14 Travis Travis "Traveler72" Miller Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Martyr 4
15 Leaf Leaf "Potter116" Pankowski Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Redeemer 4
16 Marion Marion "Teacher193" Perks Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Redeemer 4
17 Peter Peter "Outback295" Rophail Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Redeemer 4
18 Earl Earl "Shaka74" Deams Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Visionary 4
19 Jennie Jennie "Cassie247" Orne Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Visionary 4
20 Paul Paul "Sixofswords29" Moreton Nights of Reckoning U Imbued Visionary 4
LIBRARY Cards (40 cartes)
21 Abjure Abjure Nights of Reckoning R Power
22 Angel of Berlin Angel of Berlin Nights of Reckoning C Master
23 Antithesis Antithesis Nights of Reckoning C Action
24 Augur Augur Nights of Reckoning C Action
25 Blood Cult Awareness Network Blood Cult Awareness Network Nights of Reckoning R Event
26 Bond Bond Nights of Reckoning C Action
27 Break the Code Break the Code Nights of Reckoning R Event
28 Champion Champion Nights of Reckoning R Power
29 Church of Vindicated Faith, The Church of Vindicated Faith, The Nights of Reckoning R Master
30 Cleave Cleave Nights of Reckoning C Combat
31 Crusader Sword, The Crusader Sword, The Nights of Reckoning R Equipment
32 Determine Determine Nights of Reckoning C Reaction
33 Discern Discern Nights of Reckoning C Power
34 Donate Donate Nights of Reckoning C Power
35 Edge Explosion Edge Explosion Nights of Reckoning R Event
36 Expiate Expiate Nights of Reckoning R Combat
37 Foresee Foresee Nights of Reckoning R Power
38 Hide Hide Nights of Reckoning R Power
39 Illuminate Illuminate Nights of Reckoning C Power
40 Imprison Imprison Nights of Reckoning R Combat
41 Inflict Inflict Nights of Reckoning C Combat
42 Inspire Inspire Nights of Reckoning R Power
43 Living Wood Staff Living Wood Staff Nights of Reckoning R Equipment Avenger
44 Lock Lock Nights of Reckoning C Action
45 Moise Kasavubu Moise Kasavubu Nights of Reckoning R Ally
46 Muse of Flame Muse of Flame Nights of Reckoning C Action
47 Project Project Nights of Reckoning R Power
48 Punish Punish Nights of Reckoning C Action/Combat
49 React with Conviction React with Conviction Nights of Reckoning C Conviction
50 Rejuvenate Rejuvenate Nights of Reckoning C Power
51 Respire Respire Nights of Reckoning C Power
52 Rose Foundation, The Rose Foundation, The Nights of Reckoning R Master
53 Second Sight Second Sight Nights of Reckoning C Conviction
54 Shame Shame Nights of Reckoning C Power
55 Smite Smite Nights of Reckoning R Combat
56 Strike with Conviction Strike with Conviction Nights of Reckoning C Conviction
57 Surge Surge Nights of Reckoning R Power
58 Unity Unity Nights of Reckoning R Master Visionary
59 Vigil: The Thin Line Vigil: The Thin Line Nights of Reckoning R Master Defender
60 Vigilance Vigilance Nights of Reckoning C Power