==> L'extension Kindred Most Wanted comprend 314 cartes.

CRYPT Cards (83 cartes)
1 Allonzo Montoya Allonzo Montoya Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Abomination 3
2 Lorrie Dunsirn Lorrie Dunsirn Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Abomination 4
3 Pariah Pariah Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Abomination 2
4 Amaravati Amaravati Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Banu Haqim 4
5 Antara Antara Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Banu Haqim 4
6 Basir Basir Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Banu Haqim 4
7 Janni Janni Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Banu Haqim 4
8 Joe Joe "Boot" Hill Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Banu Haqim 4
9 Michael diCarlo Michael diCarlo Kindred Most Wanted U/PG Vampire Banu Haqim 4
10 Tariq, The Silent Tariq, The Silent Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Banu Haqim 2
11 Vardar Vardarian Vardar Vardarian Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Banu Haqim 4
12 Azaneal Azaneal Kindred Most Wanted U/PB Vampire Baali 4
13 Cybele Cybele Kindred Most Wanted U/PB Vampire Baali 4
14 Elihu Elihu Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Baali 4
15 Maureen, Dark Priestess Maureen, Dark Priestess Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Vampire Baali 4
16 Petaniqua (Advanced) Petaniqua (Advanced) Kindred Most Wanted U/PB Vampire Baali 4
17 Count Germaine Count Germaine Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Brujah 4
18 Count Germaine Count Germaine Kindred Most Wanted U/PAn Vampire Brujah 4
19 Gengis Gengis Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Brujah 3
20 Jaroslav Pascek Jaroslav Pascek Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Brujah 3
21 Juggler Juggler Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Brujah 3
22 Menele Menele Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Brujah 3
23 Steve Booth Steve Booth Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Brujah 3
24 Jayne Jonestown Jayne Jonestown Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Brujah antitribu 4
25 Ankh-sen-Sutekh Ankh-sen-Sutekh Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire The Ministry 4
26 Black Lotus Black Lotus Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire The Ministry 4
27 Cagliostro, The Grand Copht Cagliostro, The Grand Copht Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire The Ministry 4
28 Kemintiri Kemintiri Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire The Ministry 2
29 Neferu Neferu Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire The Ministry 4
30 Reverend Djoser Jones Reverend Djoser Jones Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire The Ministry 4
31 Sahira Siraj Sahira Siraj Kindred Most Wanted PB Vampire The Ministry 4
32 Seren Sukardi Seren Sukardi Kindred Most Wanted PB Vampire The Ministry 4
33 Denette Stensen Denette Stensen Kindred Most Wanted PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
34 Doyle Fincher Doyle Fincher Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
35 Enkidu, The Noah Enkidu, The Noah Kindred Most Wanted U/PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
36 Harry Reese Harry Reese Kindred Most Wanted PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 3
37 Hartmut Stover Hartmut Stover Kindred Most Wanted PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 3
38 Janey Pickman Janey Pickman Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
39 Jeffrey Mullins Jeffrey Mullins Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
40 Jesús Alcalá Jesús Alcalá Kindred Most Wanted PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 3
41 Maria Stone Maria Stone Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Gangrel antitribu 3
42 Mitru the Hunter Mitru the Hunter Kindred Most Wanted U/PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
43 Phillipe Rigaud Phillipe Rigaud Kindred Most Wanted U/PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 4
44 Scarlet Carson O'Toole Scarlet Carson O'Toole Kindred Most Wanted PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 3
45 Skryta Zyleta Skryta Zyleta Kindred Most Wanted PG Vampire Gangrel antitribu 3
46 Almodo Giovanni Almodo Giovanni Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Giovanni 4
47 Ambrogino Giovanni Ambrogino Giovanni Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Giovanni 2
48 Benedict Giovanni, Agent Benedict Giovanni, Agent Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Giovanni 4
49 Carmine Giovanni Carmine Giovanni Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Giovanni 4
50 Cristobal Ghiberti Cristobal Ghiberti Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Giovanni 4
51 Don Michael Antonio Giovanni Don Michael Antonio Giovanni Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Giovanni 4
52 Raphaela Giovanni Raphaela Giovanni Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Giovanni 4
53 Black Wallace Black Wallace Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Lasombra 4
54 Marcus Vitel Marcus Vitel Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Lasombra 3
55 Petaniqua Petaniqua Kindred Most Wanted U/PB Vampire Malkavian 4
56 Louhi Louhi Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Malkavian antitribu 4
57 Echo Echo Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Nosferatu 4
58 Rabbat, The Sewer Goddess Rabbat, The Sewer Goddess Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Nosferatu 4
59 Wolfgang Wolfgang Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Nosferatu 3
60 Black Annis Black Annis Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 4
61 Skidmark Skidmark Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 4
62 Alexis Sorokin Alexis Sorokin Kindred Most Wanted U/PAn Vampire Ravnos 4
63 Callirus Callirus Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ravnos 4
64 Devyn Devyn Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ravnos 4
65 Marion French Marion French Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ravnos 4
66 Mata Hari Mata Hari Kindred Most Wanted U/PAn Vampire Ravnos 4
67 Paul Forrest, False Prophet Paul Forrest, False Prophet Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ravnos 4
68 Tatiana Stepanova, Alastor Tatiana Stepanova, Alastor Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ravnos 4
69 Madame Guil Madame Guil Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Toreador 3
70 Ransam, The Old Man Ransam, The Old Man Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Toreador 4
71 L'Épuisette L'Épuisette Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Toreador antitribu 4
72 Anastasz di Zagreb Anastasz di Zagreb Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Tremere 3
73 Ardan Lane Ardan Lane Kindred Most Wanted PB Vampire Tremere 3
74 Cohn Rose Cohn Rose Kindred Most Wanted PB Vampire Tremere 3
75 Lucas Halton Lucas Halton Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Tremere 3
76 Muhsin Samir Muhsin Samir Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Tremere 4
77 Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool Kindred Most Wanted U/PB Vampire Tremere 4
78 Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool Kindred Most Wanted U/PB Vampire Tremere antitribu 4
79 Jane Sims Jane Sims Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Tzimisce 4
80 Lucinde, Alastor Lucinde, Alastor Kindred Most Wanted PAl Vampire Ventrue 3
81 Marcus Vitel Marcus Vitel Kindred Most Wanted PAn Vampire Ventrue 3
82 Sonja Blue Sonja Blue Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ventrue 4
83 Dylan Dylan Kindred Most Wanted U Vampire Ventrue antitribu 2
LIBRARY Cards (231 cartes)
84 Acrobatics Acrobatics Kindred Most Wanted PAl2/PG3 Combat
85 Aire of Elation Aire of Elation Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Action Modifier
86 Alastor Alastor Kindred Most Wanted PAl Political Action
87 Ambush Ambush Kindred Most Wanted PG3 Action
88 Anarch Revolt Anarch Revolt Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master
89 Anarch Secession Anarch Secession Kindred Most Wanted R Action
90 Anathema Anathema Kindred Most Wanted PAl2 Political Action
91 Anima Gathering Anima Gathering Kindred Most Wanted C Action
92 Apportation Apportation Kindred Most Wanted PB Combat
93 Approximation of Loyalty Approximation of Loyalty Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Action Modifier
94 Archon Archon Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Political Action
95 Archon Investigation Archon Investigation Kindred Most Wanted PG Master
96 Baal's Bloody Talons Baal's Bloody Talons Kindred Most Wanted R Combat
97 Backflip Backflip Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
98 Backstep Backstep Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
99 Bang Nakh — Tiger's Claws Bang Nakh — Tiger's Claws Kindred Most Wanted PAl5 Equipment
100 Banishment Banishment Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Political Action
101 Bay and Howl Bay and Howl Kindred Most Wanted R/PG Master Gangrel antitribu
102 Behind You! Behind You! Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Combat
103 Beretta 9mm Beretta 9mm Kindred Most Wanted C Equipment
104 Big Game Big Game Kindred Most Wanted C/PAl3 Action
105 Black Spiral Buddy Black Spiral Buddy Kindred Most Wanted PG Ally Gangrel antitribu
106 Black Sunrise Black Sunrise Kindred Most Wanted C Reaction
107 Blood Doll Blood Doll Kindred Most Wanted PB3/PG3/PAn2 Master
108 Blood Fury Blood Fury Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Combat
109 Bloodstone Bloodstone Kindred Most Wanted C Equipment
110 Bloodstorm of Chorazin Bloodstorm of Chorazin Kindred Most Wanted C/PB2 Reaction Baali
111 Blur Blur Kindred Most Wanted PAl5 Combat
112 Book of Going Forth by Night, The Book of Going Forth by Night, The Kindred Most Wanted PB Equipment
113 Breath of Thanatos Breath of Thanatos Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier/Combat
114 Bribes Bribes Kindred Most Wanted PAn3/PAl Action Modifier
115 Bujo Bujo Kindred Most Wanted R Action Ravnos
116 Bum's Rush Bum's Rush Kindred Most Wanted PG4/PAl3 Action
117 Burst of Sunlight Burst of Sunlight Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Combat
118 Call the Great Beast Call the Great Beast Kindred Most Wanted PB Action Baali
119 Campground Hunting Ground Campground Hunting Ground Kindred Most Wanted PG Master Gangrel antitribu
120 Celerity Celerity Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
121 City Gangrel Connections City Gangrel Connections Kindred Most Wanted PG Master Gangrel antitribu
122 Claws of the Dead Claws of the Dead Kindred Most Wanted PG5 Combat
123 Closed Session Closed Session Kindred Most Wanted PAl Action Modifier
124 Concealed Weapon Concealed Weapon Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Combat
125 Concordance Concordance Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Action
126 Condemnation: Mute Condemnation: Mute Kindred Most Wanted R Action
127 Conflagration Conflagration Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Combat
128 Confusion of the Eye Confusion of the Eye Kindred Most Wanted C/PG3 Reaction
129 Consignment to Duat Consignment to Duat Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Action
130 Crocodile Temple, The Crocodile Temple, The Kindred Most Wanted R Master The Ministry
131 D'habi Revenant D'habi Revenant Kindred Most Wanted PB Retainer Baali
132 Dead Hand Dead Hand Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
133 Depravity Depravity Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
134 Deviki Prasanta Deviki Prasanta Kindred Most Wanted R Ally Banu Haqim
135 Dis Pater Dis Pater Kindred Most Wanted R Master Giovanni
136 Disarm Disarm Kindred Most Wanted PAl Combat
137 Disengage Disengage Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
138 Distant Friend Distant Friend Kindred Most Wanted R Action
139 Diversity Diversity Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Political Action
140 Dr. Marisa Fletcher, CDC Dr. Marisa Fletcher, CDC Kindred Most Wanted R Event
141 Dreams of the Sphinx Dreams of the Sphinx Kindred Most Wanted PG/PAn Master
142 Dual Form Dual Form Kindred Most Wanted R Action
143 Dummy Corporation Dummy Corporation Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Master
144 Earthshock Earthshock Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
145 Ecstasy Ecstasy Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Reaction
146 Edged Illusion Edged Illusion Kindred Most Wanted C Action
147 Elder Impersonation Elder Impersonation Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Action Modifier
148 Enchant Kindred Enchant Kindred Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Action
149 Enhanced Senses Enhanced Senses Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Reaction
150 Enticement Enticement Kindred Most Wanted PB Action
151 Entrenching Entrenching Kindred Most Wanted PAn Action
152 Esteem Esteem Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
153 Faceless Night Faceless Night Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Action Modifier
154 Fame Fame Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
155 Fatuus Mastery Fatuus Mastery Kindred Most Wanted C Action
156 FBI Special Affairs Division FBI Special Affairs Division Kindred Most Wanted R Event
157 Fear of the Void Below Fear of the Void Below Kindred Most Wanted PB Combat
158 Ferraille Ferraille Kindred Most Wanted R Master The Ministry
159 Final Nights, The Final Nights, The Kindred Most Wanted PAn Political Action
160 Finding the Path Finding the Path Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Political Action
161 Flesh of Marble Flesh of Marble Kindred Most Wanted PG3 Combat
162 Flurry of Action Flurry of Action Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Action
163 Follow the Alpha Follow the Alpha Kindred Most Wanted R Action Modifier Gangrel antitribu
164 Force of Will Force of Will Kindred Most Wanted PG Action
165 Forced March Forced March Kindred Most Wanted C/PAn2 Action Modifier
166 Forgotten Labyrinth Forgotten Labyrinth Kindred Most Wanted PAn/PG2 Action Modifier
167 Form of Corruption Form of Corruption Kindred Most Wanted PB Action
168 Form of Mist Form of Mist Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Combat
169 Free States Rant Free States Rant Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Political Action
170 From a Sinking Ship From a Sinking Ship Kindred Most Wanted R Master
171 Games of Instinct Games of Instinct Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Action
172 Glass Walker Pact Glass Walker Pact Kindred Most Wanted R Master Giovanni
173 Gleam of Red Eyes Gleam of Red Eyes Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Combat
174 Govern the Unaligned Govern the Unaligned Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Action
175 Grasp of the Python Grasp of the Python Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
176 Graverobbing Graverobbing Kindred Most Wanted PAl Action
177 Groundfighting Groundfighting Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
178 Haqim's Law: Judgment Haqim's Law: Judgment Kindred Most Wanted R Master Banu Haqim
179 Harzomatuili Harzomatuili Kindred Most Wanted R Ally
180 Haven Uncovered Haven Uncovered Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Master
181 Haymaker Haymaker Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
182 Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Action
183 Heart of the City Heart of the City Kindred Most Wanted R Action
184 Heidelberg Castle, Germany Heidelberg Castle, Germany Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
185 Hidden Lurker Hidden Lurker Kindred Most Wanted PAn4 Action Modifier
186 Hierophant Hierophant Kindred Most Wanted C Political Action The Ministry
187 Honor the Elders Honor the Elders Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Political Action
188 Ignore the Searing Flames Ignore the Searing Flames Kindred Most Wanted C/PB2 Combat
189 Immense Size Immense Size Kindred Most Wanted R Combat
190 Inquisition Inquisition Kindred Most Wanted PG Action
191 Iron Glare Iron Glare Kindred Most Wanted PAn Action Modifier
192 Khabar: Glory Khabar: Glory Kindred Most Wanted C Action Banu Haqim
193 Kingston Penitentiary, Ontario Kingston Penitentiary, Ontario Kindred Most Wanted R Master
194 Learjet Learjet Kindred Most Wanted C Equipment
195 Leathery Hide Leathery Hide Kindred Most Wanted C/PG3 Combat Gangrel antitribu
196 Legal Manipulations Legal Manipulations Kindred Most Wanted PB5 Action
197 Life in the City Life in the City Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master
198 Lifeless Tongues Lifeless Tongues Kindred Most Wanted R Action
199 Lost in Crowds Lost in Crowds Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Action Modifier
200 Major Boon Major Boon Kindred Most Wanted PG Master
201 Mask of a Thousand Faces Mask of a Thousand Faces Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Action Modifier
202 Meat Hook Meat Hook Kindred Most Wanted PAl2 Equipment
203 Media Influence Media Influence Kindred Most Wanted PAn Action
204 Mercy for Seth Mercy for Seth Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
205 Mighty Grapple Mighty Grapple Kindred Most Wanted PAl Combat
206 Mind of a Killer Mind of a Killer Kindred Most Wanted R Action
207 Minion Tap Minion Tap Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Master
208 Mob Rule Mob Rule Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Action Modifier/Reaction
209 Mylan Horseed Mylan Horseed Kindred Most Wanted PB Ally
210 Name Forgotten, The Name Forgotten, The Kindred Most Wanted R Action
211 Nightshades Nightshades Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
212 Nimble Feet Nimble Feet Kindred Most Wanted PG4 Combat
213 Not to Be Not to Be Kindred Most Wanted R Master
214 NSA Trio NSA Trio Kindred Most Wanted R Event
215 Obfuscate Obfuscate Kindred Most Wanted PB Master
216 Ossian Ossian Kindred Most Wanted R Ally
217 Owl Companion Owl Companion Kindred Most Wanted PG Retainer
218 Pack Alpha Pack Alpha Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
219 Path of the Feral Heart, The Path of the Feral Heart, The Kindred Most Wanted PG Master Gangrel antitribu
220 Permanency Permanency Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
221 Phased Motion Detector Phased Motion Detector Kindred Most Wanted C Equipment
222 Potence Potence Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master
223 Powder of Rigidity Powder of Rigidity Kindred Most Wanted PAl Equipment
224 Praxis Seizure: Barcelona Praxis Seizure: Barcelona Kindred Most Wanted PAl Political Action
225 Praxis Seizure: Rome Praxis Seizure: Rome Kindred Most Wanted PAl Political Action
226 Precognition Precognition Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Reaction
227 Priority Shift Priority Shift Kindred Most Wanted R Action
228 Procurer Procurer Kindred Most Wanted C Ally
229 Projectile Projectile Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
230 Protean Protean Kindred Most Wanted PG Master
231 Proxy Kissed Proxy Kissed Kindred Most Wanted C Master Giovanni
232 Psyche! Psyche! Kindred Most Wanted PAl2 Combat
233 Psychomachia Psychomachia Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Action Modifier
234 Purification Purification Kindred Most Wanted R Action/Reaction
235 Pursuit Pursuit Kindred Most Wanted PAn4 Combat
236 Pushing the Limit Pushing the Limit Kindred Most Wanted PAl2 Combat
237 Quick Meld Quick Meld Kindred Most Wanted PG Combat
238 Raven Spy Raven Spy Kindred Most Wanted PG Retainer
239 Rebirth Rebirth Kindred Most Wanted R/PAn Action Modifier
240 Red List Red List Kindred Most Wanted C/PAl Action
241 Reins of Power Reins of Power Kindred Most Wanted PAn Political Action
242 Restoration Restoration Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Action
243 Restricted Vitae Restricted Vitae Kindred Most Wanted PAn Event
244 Revelation of Despair Revelation of Despair Kindred Most Wanted C Reaction
245 Revelation of Wrath Revelation of Wrath Kindred Most Wanted R Combat
246 Rötschreck Rötschreck Kindred Most Wanted PB Master
247 Ruins of Charizel Ruins of Charizel Kindred Most Wanted R/PB Master Baali
248 Rutor's Hand Rutor's Hand Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Action
249 Sabbat Threat Sabbat Threat Kindred Most Wanted PAl Political Action
250 Samuel Haight Samuel Haight Kindred Most Wanted R Ally
251 Scalpel Tongue Scalpel Tongue Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier/Reaction
252 Second Tradition: Domain Second Tradition: Domain Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Reaction
253 Selective Silence Selective Silence Kindred Most Wanted C Combat
254 Sense the Sin Sense the Sin Kindred Most Wanted PB3 Reaction/Action Modifier
255 Serpentis Serpentis Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Master
256 Shadow Feint Shadow Feint Kindred Most Wanted PG2 Combat
257 Shadow of the Beast Shadow of the Beast Kindred Most Wanted PG Action
258 Shared Nightmare Shared Nightmare Kindred Most Wanted R Action
259 Shared Strength Shared Strength Kindred Most Wanted R Combat
260 Shilmulo Tarot Shilmulo Tarot Kindred Most Wanted R Equipment Ravnos
261 Sideslip Sideslip Kindred Most Wanted PAl3 Combat
262 Skin of Steel Skin of Steel Kindred Most Wanted PAn Combat
263 Skin of the Adder Skin of the Adder Kindred Most Wanted PB Combat
264 Slave Auction Slave Auction Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
265 Sleep Unseen Sleep Unseen Kindred Most Wanted PAn Action Modifier
266 Slum Hunting Ground Slum Hunting Ground Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master Nosferatu
267 Soak Soak Kindred Most Wanted PAn2/PG2 Combat
268 Society of Leopold Society of Leopold Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master
269 Sonar Sonar Kindred Most Wanted C/PG2 Reaction
270 Soul Decoration Soul Decoration Kindred Most Wanted C Action
271 Spying Mission Spying Mission Kindred Most Wanted PB2 Action Modifier
272 Stunt Cycle Stunt Cycle Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Combat
273 Stutter-Step Stutter-Step Kindred Most Wanted PG4 Combat
274 Sudario Refraction Sudario Refraction Kindred Most Wanted R Action Giovanni
275 Sudden Reversal Sudden Reversal Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
276 Superior Mettle Superior Mettle Kindred Most Wanted PG3 Combat
277 Suppressing Fire Suppressing Fire Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
278 Svadharma Svadharma Kindred Most Wanted C Master Ravnos
279 Swallowed by the Night Swallowed by the Night Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Action Modifier/Combat
280 Talons of the Dead Talons of the Dead Kindred Most Wanted PG Master Gangrel antitribu
281 Taste of Vitae Taste of Vitae Kindred Most Wanted PAn2 Combat
282 Temptation Temptation Kindred Most Wanted PB Action
283 Textbook Damnation, The Textbook Damnation, The Kindred Most Wanted R Equipment
284 Theft of Vitae Theft of Vitae Kindred Most Wanted PB6 Combat
285 Threestar Cab Company Threestar Cab Company Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master
286 Thrown Gate Thrown Gate Kindred Most Wanted PAn4 Combat
287 Torn Signpost Torn Signpost Kindred Most Wanted PAl2 Combat
288 Tranquility Tranquility Kindred Most Wanted R Combat
289 Trophy: Clan Respect Trophy: Clan Respect Kindred Most Wanted R Master
290 Trophy: Diablerie Trophy: Diablerie Kindred Most Wanted R Master
291 Trophy: Discipline Trophy: Discipline Kindred Most Wanted R Master
292 Trophy: Domain Trophy: Domain Kindred Most Wanted R Master
293 Trophy: Hunting Ground Trophy: Hunting Ground Kindred Most Wanted R Master
294 Trophy: Progeny Trophy: Progeny Kindred Most Wanted R Master
295 Trophy: Retainers Trophy: Retainers Kindred Most Wanted R Master
296 Trophy: Safe Passage Trophy: Safe Passage Kindred Most Wanted R Master
297 Trophy: Wealth Trophy: Wealth Kindred Most Wanted R Master
298 True Love's Face True Love's Face Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
299 Trumped-Up Charges Trumped-Up Charges Kindred Most Wanted C/PAl3 Political Action
300 Truth of a Thousand Lies Truth of a Thousand Lies Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
301 Tumnimos Tumnimos Kindred Most Wanted C Action Ravnos
302 Undead Strength Undead Strength Kindred Most Wanted PAl4 Combat
303 Undue Influence Undue Influence Kindred Most Wanted C Action
304 Undying Thirst Undying Thirst Kindred Most Wanted R Reaction Baali
305 Victim of Habit Victim of Habit Kindred Most Wanted R Action
306 Voter Captivation Voter Captivation Kindred Most Wanted PAn3 Action Modifier
307 Vox Senis Vox Senis Kindred Most Wanted PAl Master
308 Wake with Evening's Freshness Wake with Evening's Freshness Kindred Most Wanted PAn3/PB5/PG2 Reaction
309 Warning Sirens Warning Sirens Kindred Most Wanted C Master
310 Warzone Hunting Ground Warzone Hunting Ground Kindred Most Wanted PAn Master Brujah
311 Waters of Duat Waters of Duat Kindred Most Wanted C Action The Ministry
312 Web of Knives Recruit Web of Knives Recruit Kindred Most Wanted C Action Banu Haqim
313 Weigh the Heart Weigh the Heart Kindred Most Wanted C Action Modifier
314 Wolf Companion Wolf Companion Kindred Most Wanted PG Retainer