==> L'extension Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 comprend 54 cartes.

CRYPT Cards (34 cartes)
1 Flavia, Avenging Angel Flavia, Avenging Angel Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Banu Haqim 6
2 Karif al Numair Karif al Numair Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Banu Haqim 5
3 Omer Omer Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Banu Haqim 6
4 New Blood New Blood Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 2 Vampire Blood Brother ANY
5 Appolonius Appolonius Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Brujah 1
6 Salvador Garcia Salvador Garcia Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Brujah 4
7 Dark Selina Dark Selina Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Brujah antitribu 5
8 Gold Pan Dan Gold Pan Dan Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Brujah antitribu 5
9 Anarch Convert Anarch Convert Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 2 Vampire Caitiff ANY
10 Cao Nguyen Cao Nguyen Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire The Ministry 6
11 Sarrasine Sarrasine Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire The Ministry 2
12 Shahara al-Rashwa Shahara al-Rashwa Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire The Ministry 6
13 Brunhilde Brunhilde Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gangrel 3
14 Inyanga Inyanga Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gangrel 4
15 Matasuntha Matasuntha Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gangrel 5
16 Valkyrie Valkyrie Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Vampire Gangrel 3
17 Alex Camille Alex Camille Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gangrel antitribu 5
18 Mimir Mimir Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gangrel antitribu 5
19 Synner-G Synner-G Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gangrel antitribu 5
20 Alabástrom Alabástrom Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Gargoyle 6
21 Domenic Giovanni Domenic Giovanni Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Giovanni 6
22 Salvatore Giovanni Salvatore Giovanni Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Giovanni 6
23 Badr, Shadow of Granada Badr, Shadow of Granada Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Lasombra 5
24 Pearl Pearl Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Malkavian antitribu 5
25 Medic, The Medic, The Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Nosferatu 5
26 Skulk Skulk Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Nosferatu antitribu 5
27 Desiree Narayan, Anarch Historian Desiree Narayan, Anarch Historian Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Ravnos 6
28 Dhita Choudhair Dhita Choudhair Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Ravnos 6
29 Dr. Lawrence Mayhew Dr. Lawrence Mayhew Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Ravnos 5
30 Masika Masika Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Toreador 1
31 Monica Chang Monica Chang Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Tremere 5
32 Gerald FitzGerald Gerald FitzGerald Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Tremere antitribu 5
33 Ludmijla Rakoczy Ludmijla Rakoczy Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Tzimisce 5
34 Louis Fortier Louis Fortier Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Vampire Ventrue 4
LIBRARY Cards (20 cartes)
35 Ashur Tablets Ashur Tablets Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 3 Master
36 Carlton Van Wyk Carlton Van Wyk Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Ally
37 Deep Song Deep Song Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Action
38 Enkil Cog Enkil Cog Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Action Modifier
39 Eyes of Argus Eyes of Argus Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Reaction
40 Field Training Field Training Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Action
41 Heart of Nizchetus Heart of Nizchetus Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Equipment
42 Instantaneous Transformation Instantaneous Transformation Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Action Modifier
43 Legacy Legacy Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Action
44 Liquidation Liquidation Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Master
45 Monastery of Shadows Monastery of Shadows Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Master
46 New Carthage New Carthage Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Master Brujah
47 Shroud of Absence Shroud of Absence Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 3 Action Modifier
48 Spiritual Guidance Spiritual Guidance Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Combat Giovanni
49 Summon History Summon History Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 3 Action
50 Target Vitals Target Vitals Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 3 Combat
51 Under Siege Under Siege Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 2 Action
52 Unleash Hell's Fury Unleash Hell's Fury Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Action
53 Unmasking, The Unmasking, The Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 1 Event
54 Zephyr Zephyr Anthology Reprint Bundle 1 4 Action Modifier Celerity