It Is The Future You See (V)

Virtual 12 - N° 36 / 46 - R
Side: Light - Type: Epic Event
Restrictions: - Subtype:
Destiny: 5 - Deploy: - Forfeit:
If you deployed only 1 (non-[Coruscant set], non-[Special Edition set]) location, play this Epic Event instead of a Starting Interrupt. [down arrow] Battle Plan, Do Or Do Not, and an [Immune to Alter] effect. Insert cards and your [permanent weapon] and [maintenance cost] cards are lost. You go first. Choose one: {Jedi}: Deploy on table. At the start of your turn, turn all cards here face up. During your turn, may use 1 Force for each card stacked here to stack a card from hand face up here. Instead of using X Force, may turn X cards here face down. {Agent of Evil}: [up arrow] Luke and a site. Deploy on opponent's side of table; their total battle and duel destiny is +3.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
It Is The Future You See (V) Virtual 12