Zuckuss (V)

Virtual 07 - N° 11 / 22 - R
Side: Dark - Type: Character
Restrictions: 1 dot - Subtype: Alien
Icons: Pilot, Warrior
Destiny: 1 - Deploy: 3 - Forfeit: 4
Stats: Pow: 2 Abil: 4 Force-Sensitive - Force-Sensitive
Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. Mist Hunter is maneuver +1. Your Black Sun agents at same and related sites may not have their forfeit reduced. Adds 1 to maneuver of Mist Hunter. Once per game you may [down arrow] non-[permanent weapon] 4-LOM here. Immune to attrition < 3.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Zuckuss (V) Virtual 07