Thunder's Gauntlet

Legacy of the Tribes - N° 193 / 255 - Rare
Type: Sept - Subtype: Equipment
Keywords: Fetish - Constrained
Allegiance: - Form: - Sex:
Renown: - Rage: - Gnosis: 7 - Health:
Shadow Lords
Thunder's Gauntlet enables the user to manipulate the forces of lightning and storms. Once per game, the owner of Thunder's Gauntlet may select 1 non-Shadow Lords character in play and smite him with a bolt of lightning; that character's Health is immediately reduced to 1. Transfer Thunder's Gauntlet to this character as a Damage card. Only 1 Thunder's Gauntlet may be played per game.
Artist : Drew Tucker

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Thunder's Gauntlet Legacy of the Tribes
Thunder's Gauntlet