Iglanotti The Wise

Legacy of the Tribes - N° 82 / 255 - Uncommon
Type: Sept - Subtype: Ally
Keywords: Animal - Constrained
Allegiance: - Form: - Sex:
Renown: 5 - Rage: 0 - Gnosis: 10 - Health: 2
Children of Gaia
Iglanotti possesses great wisdom and insight. He may use any Gaia Gifts. Every other turn, during the Redraw Phase, the pack with Iglanotti as an Ally may search through their sept deck for any single Gift. Reshuffle your sept deck afterwards if you use this ability. Only 1 Iglanotti may be played per game.
Artist : Rebecca Guay

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Iglanotti The Wise Legacy of the Tribes
Iglanotti The Wise