Excitable Good Ol' Boy

The War of the Amazon - N° 36 / 154 - Uncommon
Type: Sept - Subtype: Enemy
Keywords: Human
Allegiance: - Form: - Sex:
Renown: 5 - Rage: 4 - Gnosis: 1 - Health: 3
The Good Ol' Boy will run amok and attack the lowest Renown alpha before any alphas can act at the beginning of each Combat Phase. If alphas are tied, the Good Ol' Boy will attack a Gaia alpha before attacking a Wyrm alpha. If a Wyrm alpha kills the Good Ol' Boy in this fashion, the alpha's pack will get victory points for the kill.
Artist : Erin Dixon

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Excitable Good Ol' Boy The War of the Amazon
Excitable Good Ol' Boy