Ryla (C) (Rogue Demon)

Starter Deck B - N° 25 / 27 - Common
Type: Gladiator - Keywords: demon
Level: 1 // 2 - Discipline: Mystic | Bio-tek
Life: 10 - ADMG: 2 - VP: 3 // 4 - Rage: 5
{OR} _Growth_ Scrap a Pump you control on RYLA: +1 {ADMG}.
{OR} _Growth_ Scrap a Pump you control on RYLA: +1 {ADMG}.
{-} _Crush_ {SET}: Destroy target Minion with a Play Cost less than the number of wounds on RYLA.
Summoned by Xarz'ycus to defeat the spirit-warrior Kaleem, Ryla was instead freed by Kaleem's essence.
Artist : Mike Cunningham

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Ryla (C) Starter Deck B
Ryla (C) Core Set
Ryla (C)