P.K. (Demon of Honor)

Starter Deck A - N° 28 / 28 - Common
Type: Gladiator - Keywords: demon
Level: 1 // 2 - Discipline: Portal
Life: 6 - ADMG: 1 - VP: 1 // 2 - Rage: 1
{DR} _Pacification_ When an opponent declares an attack against a Gladiator other than P.K., {2 CP}: {ADMG} cannot be modified by .
{DR} _Pacification_ When an opponent declares an attack against a Gladiator other than P.K., {2 CP}: {ADMG} cannot be modified by .
{DR} _Support_ When a Character declares an attack, {SET}: They deal -1 {ADMG}.
A former servant of Arkzilipul's, P.K. has strayed from the path of evil.
Artist : Mike Cunningham

Liste des éditions de la carte:
P.K. Starter Deck A
P.K. Core Set