Prince of Gates (U) (Xarz'ycus)

Starter Deck A - N° 25 / 28 - Uncommon
Type: Gladiator - Keywords: demon
Level: 3 // 4 - Discipline: Portal | Bio-tek
Life: 12 - ADMG: 3 // 4 - VP: 6 // 7 - Rage: 7
{P} {HAPPY} _Presence_ After a Wave starts, {1 LIFE} Take a {POR} Minion from your Arsenal into hand.
{OR} {RAGE} _Embolden_ While set, When a {POR} Minion you control declares an attack, {2 CP}: They deal +1 {ADMG}.
Artist : Jonny Scull

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Prince of Gates (U) Starter Deck A
Prince of Gates (U) Core Set
Prince of Gates (U)