Bull's Eye (Cutthroat Mercenary)
Core Set - N° 221 / 240 - Common
Type: Gladiator - Keywords: spectral
Level: 1 // 2 - Discipline: Mystic | Cybernetics
Life: 8 - ADMG: 1 - VP: 2 // 3 - Rage: 5
{PASS} _Deck Cycle_ While unset, Scrap 2 cards from hand: Draw a card and reveal it. If it is a {MYS} card, heal 1 wound from a Character. If it is a {CYB} card, gain {1 CP}.
{PASS} _Deck Cycle_ While unset, Scrap 2 cards from hand: Draw a card and reveal it. If it is a {MYS} card, heal 1 wound from a Character. If it is a {CYB} card, gain {1 CP}.
{-} {HAPPY} _Stinger_ While unset, {2 LIFE}: Deal 1 {XDMG} to target Character.
{PASS} _Deck Cycle_ While unset, Scrap 2 cards from hand: Draw a card and reveal it. If it is a {MYS} card, heal 1 wound from a Character. If it is a {CYB} card, gain {1 CP}.
{-} {HAPPY} _Stinger_ While unset, {2 LIFE}: Deal 1 {XDMG} to target Character.
"If it involves money, I'm interested."
Artist : Eugene Randolph Young
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