Kurzweil Cultist

Core Set - N° 92 / 221
Type: Character - Rarity: U - Deck: Main deck
Money Cost: 3 - Trait Cost:
Intelligent: 2 - Emotional: 1 - Moral: 1 - Body: 1
Subtype: #Academia - #Cyborg - #Extremist
Destroy this card if it becomes adjacent to any #GMO or #HUMAN cards.

When deployed, search your Main deck for 1 Equipment card with #CYBORG, reveal it and place it in your hand. Shuffle your Main deck.
"One of the longest surviving cults from old earth, the Cult of Kurzweil are hrdcore cyborg fetishists who worship the Ais - GENECIA"
Artist : Kaiju Den

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Kurzweil Cultist Core Set