Persona (Paul Kinman)

Arms and Tactics - N° 229 / 264
Type: Persona - Rarity: Rare
Restricted: 5
Famed throughout England for his swordarm, Paul Kinman has been a hired assassin for over 500 years. Kinman's first death came in a duel over an imagined insult, and he remains to this day quick to anger, quick to take offense, and eager to duel at the least excuse. With his expertise in weapons of all descriptions, however, it is rare indeed that Kinman experiences a repeat of the indignity of defeat he suffered in 1448. If your opponent plays an unsuccessful defense against any of your Hidden Attacks, he cannot Exert for a defense that turn. You may include up to 5 Master cards.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Persona (Paul Kinman) Arms and Tactics