Premium (+1) (Kanis)

Arms and Tactics - N° 185 / 264
Type: Pre-Game - Rarity: Premium
Born in 1705, Peter Kanis was hunted and killed by Devon Marek at the age of 28. Determined from then on always to be the predator, Kanis turned his natural affinity for the canine set into an obsession. Unfettered by the rules of the Immortal Game, the dogs have given Kanis a long-standing advantage over unsuspecting adversaries. It is said that over years of companionship, pets will come to resemble their owners -- or vice versa. Play this card before the game begins in conjunction with the Kanis Persona card. You begin the game with +1 Ability. This card modifies your Persona and may not be removed from play.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Premium (+1) (Kanis) Arms and Tactics