Premium (+1) (Ceirdwyn)

Arms and Tactics - N° 150 / 264
Type: Pre-Game - Rarity: Premium
Raised a warrior among the Iceni, a Celtic tribe of early Britian, Ceirdwyn remains a formidable swordswoman to this day. Ceirdwyn became Immortal in 60 AD, during her tribe's battle to repel the invading armies of Rome. Boudicca and her woad-painted troops succedded in torching the Roman stronghold, but in the end, were felled by Rome's superior tactics. Ceirdwyn, finding herself alive when her people and her way of life were dead, became the student of Marcus Constantine, an Immortal Roman General. Play this card before the game begins in conjunction with the Ceirdwyn Persona card. You begin the game with +1 Ability. This card modifies your Persona and may not be removed from play.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Premium (+1) (Ceirdwyn) Arms and Tactics