Premium (MCBC) (Kane)

The Gathering - N° 117 / 159
Type: Pre-Game - Rarity: Premium
Kane was born in Samarkand, near the western border of Mongolia in 987. He died of disease in his mid-twenties and was found and trained by his first mentor Samga the shamaness. Kane betrayed and murdered his teacher, thirsting for her power more than her teachings. With her Quickening he realized the potential power that could one day be his. He rode across Asia, seeking those whose power he could usurp. In 1594, his lust brought him to the Mountain of Niri to seek the power of illusion. In the ensuing battle, Kane and his two Immortal companions were buried in a cavern. Kane has escaped after four hundred years and his hunt for the Quickening of the last Immortal has begun anew. Play this card before the game begins in conjunction with the Kane Persona card. Your Master cards cannot be countered or removed from the game. This card modifies your Persona card and may not be removed from the game.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Premium (MCBC) (Kane) The Gathering