Premium (+1) (Iman Fasil)

The Gathering - N° 102 / 159
Type: Pre-Game - Rarity: Premium
Iman Fasil was born in northern Italy in the winter of 1594. He was of noble birth, but not conscience. His petty abuses of his noble heritage set him on a path of self-destruction. Although he never realized it, he had died two years earlier in a drunken stupor. Soon the man, adopted as an infant, was disowned by his father in favor of a more discerning nephew. Disinherited, Fasil roamed the land, encountering other Immortals. The Gathering will deliver to him the prize to rule he desires. Play this card before the game begins in conjunction with the Iman Fasil Persona card. You begin the game with +1 Ability. This card modifies your Persona card and may not be removed from the game.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Premium (+1) (Iman Fasil) The Gathering