Premium (+1) (Richie Ryan)

The Watcher's Chronicle - N° 108 / 113
Type: Pre-Game - Rarity: Premium
Born in 1974, he lost his foster mother at a young age and raised himself on city streets. He was six months shy of his 18th birthday and an adult criminal career when he stumbled upon Duncan and Connor doing the Knights of the Round Table thing. Killed by random urban violence in 1993, he learned that he is immortal and that he gets to play with the big swords now. His is a Spanish rapier, given to him by Duncan MacLeod, who first found and trained him. Play this card before the game begins in conjunction with the Richie Ryan Persona card. You begin the game with +1 Ability. This card modifies you Persona and may not be removed from play.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Premium (+1) (Richie Ryan) The Watcher's Chronicle