Persona (Annie Devlin)

The Watcher's Chronicle - N° 43 / 113
Type: Persona - Rarity: Rare
Restricted: 5
Born in Ireland in 1855, this fiery-maned warrior fights her battles with a fiery passion and a fiery spirit that will not be denied. The Gathering necessitates advancement of her military abilities, for though Immortal, she is still tied to the mortal world: Hers is a violent life, striving for the liberation of her beloved Ireland. Her methods are cruel, and dangerous, and she is a powerful, unrelenting opponent, striking back against any foe with superior force and determination. "It will end when we win or when there's no one left alive to fight." -- Annie Devlin. If your opponent plays a successful attack against you, then you may play up to two additional attacks during your next Attack Phase. Dodges will not avoid multiples attacks that you play. You may have up to five Master cards.

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Persona (Annie Devlin) The Watcher's Chronicle