Sansha's Nation

Core Set - N° 24 / 240 - Fixed Starter
Type: Outer Region
Maximum Locations: 0 - Price: 1 - Income: 1
When you draw a card during your draw step, you may draw a card at random from your scrapheap instead and then shuffle your scrapheap.
Notes : Q: When do I take a card from my landfill with the help of the Sansha's Nation region, should I show it to my opponent?
A: Nowhere is it said that during a random card pick-up from a landfill, the cards in the landfill should lie face down. You can use the dice to determine a random card, in which case each player can see which card has returned to the hand. Stirring cards from a dump with a shirt up is a simpler and faster way to randomly select a card. But this does not mean that the contents of the landfill become secret. Since all players have the right to view the contents of the landfill at any time, there is no reason why they can not see which card was accidentally taken from the landfill.
Illustrator : screenshot

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Sansha's Nation Core Set