==> L'extension Election Day Slaughter comprend 21 cartes.

1 The Brute The Brute Election Day Slaughter The Fourth Ring Dude
2 Smiling Tom Smiling Tom Election Day Slaughter The Fourth Ring Dude
3 Philip Swinford (Exp.1) Philip Swinford (Exp.1) Election Day Slaughter Law Dogs Dude
4 Drew Beauman Drew Beauman Election Day Slaughter Law Dogs Dude
5 Dr. Arden Gillman Dr. Arden Gillman Election Day Slaughter Morgan Cattle Co. Dude
6 Arvid Mardh Arvid Mardh Election Day Slaughter Morgan Cattle Co. Dude
7 Allie Hensman (Exp.1) Allie Hensman (Exp.1) Election Day Slaughter The Sloane Gang Dude
8 Milt Clemons Milt Clemons Election Day Slaughter The Sloane Gang Dude
9 Jake Smiley Jake Smiley Election Day Slaughter Neutral Dude
10 QUATERMAN QUATERMAN Election Day Slaughter Neutral Dude
11 Angela Payne Angela Payne Election Day Slaughter Neutral Dude
12 The Mayor's Office The Mayor's Office Election Day Slaughter Neutral Deed
13 Hunter Protections Hunter Protections Election Day Slaughter Neutral Deed
14 The Evidence The Evidence Election Day Slaughter Neutral Goods
15 Teleportation Device Teleportation Device Election Day Slaughter Neutral Goods
16 Mayfair Family Deck Mayfair Family Deck Election Day Slaughter Neutral Goods
17 Puppet Puppet Election Day Slaughter Neutral Spell
18 Summoning Summoning Election Day Slaughter Neutral Spell
19 Ridden Down Ridden Down Election Day Slaughter Neutral Action
20 Tail Between Yer Legs Tail Between Yer Legs Election Day Slaughter Neutral Action
21 Election Day Slaughter Election Day Slaughter Election Day Slaughter Neutral Action