Richard Faulkner

Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force - N° 19 / 42 - Eagle Wardens
Type: Dude - Value: 5 - Cost: 6 - Upkeep: 0
Stud: - Draw: 0 - Influence: 3

"Where Stephen is from, a boy becomes a man by gathering a feather from a live eagle. Before he was old enough to get it, he saw a group of seven boys go through it and thought it was a matter of quantity. The kid came back three weeks later with seven feathers and a whole lot of cuts and scratches. That's the kind of man we're working with. 'Impossible' isn't in his vocabulary."
Illustrator : Matthew Sweeney

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Richard Faulkner Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force