Earthrise Hotel

The Source - N° 120 / 120
Type: resource - Side: runner - Faction: neutral-runner
Keywords: Location - Ritzy
Cost: 4 - Influence: 0 - Uniqueness: true
Place 3 power counters on Earthrise Hotel when it is installed. When there are no power counters left on Earthrise Hotel, trash it. When your turn begins, draw 2 cards and remove 1 power counter from Earthrise Hotel.
The datastream slipped away, and it felt like being born for a second time, if only you could remember the first. A rush of air fills the lungs to bursting, and you gasp it out, coughing and choking as the dim lights of the room shine with the brilliance of a thousand suns.
Artist : Simon Boxer

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Earthrise Hotel System Core 2019
Earthrise Hotel The Source