Project Vitruvius

Cyber Exodus - N° 51 / 120
Type: agenda - Side: corp - Faction: haas-bioroid
Keywords: Research - Influence:
Agenda Point: 2 - Advancement: 3 - Uniqueness: false
When you score Project Vitruvius, place 1 agenda counter on it for each advancement token on it over 3. Hosted agenda counter: Add 1 card from Archives to HQ.
I'm just thankful that the brain damage is reversible. With the support of the city of New Angeles, I hope to be on my feet and back to practicing my art very soon. -Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
Artist : Emilio Rodriguez

Liste des éditions de la carte:
Project Vitruvius System Core 2019
Project Vitruvius Revised Core Set
Project Vitruvius Cyber Exodus