==> L'extension Virtual 13 comprend 25 cartes.

1 Abyss (V) Abyss (V) Virtual 13 Dark Defensive Shield
2 AT-AT: Deployment Platform AT-AT: Deployment Platform Virtual 13 Dark Location
3 Carida: ISB Training Academy Carida: ISB Training Academy Virtual 13 Dark Location
4 Coruscant: ISB Central Office Coruscant: ISB Central Office Virtual 13 Dark Location
5 ComScan Detection (V) ComScan Detection (V) Virtual 13 Dark Interrupt
6 Dungeon Dungeon Virtual 13 Dark Location
7 ISB Sector Office ISB Sector Office Virtual 13 Dark Location
8 Kessel: Spice Mines - Docking Bay Kessel: Spice Mines - Docking Bay Virtual 13 Dark Location
9 Kessel: Spice Mines - Extraction Facility Kessel: Spice Mines - Extraction Facility Virtual 13 Dark Location
10 Kessel: Spice Mines - Prison Kessel: Spice Mines - Prison Virtual 13 Dark Location
11 Ralltiir: Imperial Supply Route Ralltiir: Imperial Supply Route Virtual 13 Dark Location
12 Quietly Observing (V) Quietly Observing (V) Virtual 13 Dark Effect
13 Watch Your Back! (V) Watch Your Back! (V) Virtual 13 Dark Interrupt
14 Alderaan (Blown Away) Alderaan (Blown Away) Virtual 13 Light Location
15 Chasm (V) Chasm (V) Virtual 13 Light Defensive Shield
16 Coruscant: Senate Landing Platform Coruscant: Senate Landing Platform Virtual 13 Light Location
17 Dantooine: Base - Docking Bay Dantooine: Base - Docking Bay Virtual 13 Light Location
18 Darklighter Spin (V) Darklighter Spin (V) Virtual 13 Light Interrupt
19 Eyes In The Dark (V) Eyes In The Dark (V) Virtual 13 Light Effect
20 Jek Porkins (V) Jek Porkins (V) Virtual 13 Light Character 2 4
21 Lieutenant Williams (V) Lieutenant Williams (V) Virtual 13 Light Character 2 4
22 Outpost Outpost Virtual 13 Light Location
23 Perimeter Scan (V) Perimeter Scan (V) Virtual 13 Light Interrupt
24 Redemption: Command Post Redemption: Command Post Virtual 13 Light Location
25 Through The Force Things You Will See (V) Through The Force Things You Will See (V) Virtual 13 Light Interrupt