==> L'extension The Wyrm comprend 185 cartes.

1 A Bus Full of People A Bus Full of People The Wyrm Victim C
2 Air of Authority Air of Authority The Wyrm Gift U
3 Airt Gateway Airt Gateway The Wyrm Gift C
4 Airt Mastery Airt Mastery The Wyrm Gift U
5 Allies Below Allies Below The Wyrm Gift U
6 Allonzo Montoya Allonzo Montoya The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid R
6a Allonzo Montoya (Crinos Form) Allonzo Montoya (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
7 Amelia Amelia The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid R
7a Amelia (Crinos Form) Amelia (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
8 Angus, the White Howler Angus, the White Howler The Wyrm Victim R
9 Ass Whuppin' Lynch Mob Ass Whuppin' Lynch Mob The Wyrm Combat Event C
10 Avenging Wraith Avenging Wraith The Wyrm Victim R
11 Balefire Balefire The Wyrm Gift U
12 Bane Moonbridge Bane Moonbridge The Wyrm Gift U
13 Bane Sword Bane Sword The Wyrm Equipment R
14 Battle Quest Battle Quest The Wyrm Quest U
15 Beast-of-War Beast-of-War The Wyrm Event U
16 Beat Cop Beat Cop The Wyrm Victim C
17 Beat Unmerciful Beat Unmerciful The Wyrm Combat Action U
18 Bitch Slap Bitch Slap The Wyrm Combat Action C
19 Blood Dagger Blood Dagger The Wyrm Equipment C
20 Blossom Blossom The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
21 Bob Goldstein, Ace Reporter Bob Goldstein, Ace Reporter The Wyrm Victim R
22 Breath of the Defiled Breath of the Defiled The Wyrm Gift R
23 Bully's Quest Bully's Quest The Wyrm Quest C
24 Business Merger Business Merger The Wyrm Board Meeting U
25 Caern of Rytthiku Caern of Rytthiku The Wyrm Caern R
26 Caern of the Blood God Caern of the Blood God The Wyrm Caern R
27 Caern of the Unwashed Child Caern of the Unwashed Child The Wyrm Caern R
28 Cannibal Slug Cannibal Slug The Wyrm Ally C
29 Cellular Phone Cellular Phone The Wyrm Equipment U
30 Chainsaw Chainsaw The Wyrm Equipment R
31 Chirox the Unfeeling Chirox the Unfeeling The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid U
31a Chirox the Unfeeling (Crinos Form) Chirox the Unfeeling (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
32 Churjuroc's Tusk Churjuroc's Tusk The Wyrm Equipment UR
33 Congressional Hearing Congressional Hearing The Wyrm Event R
34 Consumption of Gaia Consumption of Gaia The Wyrm Gift C
35 Corinna Corinna The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
35a Corinna (Crinos Form) Corinna (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
36 Corporate Acquisition Corporate Acquisition The Wyrm Board Meeting U
37 Corporate Credit Card Corporate Credit Card The Wyrm Equipment R
38 Corporate Security Corporate Security The Wyrm Ally C
39 Corporate Take-over Corporate Take-over The Wyrm Event R
40 Corrupting Presence Corrupting Presence The Wyrm Gift C
41 Count Vladimir Rustovitch Count Vladimir Rustovitch The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid UR
41a Count Vladimir Rustovitch (Crinos Form) Count Vladimir Rustovitch (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
42 Cult Leader Cult Leader The Wyrm Victim R
43 Cultist Cultist The Wyrm Victim C
44 Curb Stomp Curb Stomp The Wyrm Combat Action C
45 Defiler Defiler The Wyrm Event U
46 Dis-Arm Dis-Arm The Wyrm Combat Action R
47 Dr. Mordecai's Home Chemistry Set Dr. Mordecai's Home Chemistry Set The Wyrm Equipment R
48 Dr. Spencer Dr. Spencer The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
49 Ear Lober Ear Lober The Wyrm Combat Action C
50 Eater-of-Souls Eater-of-Souls The Wyrm Event U
51 Enticer Enticer The Wyrm Ally R
52 Environmental Action Environmental Action The Wyrm Event U
53 Every Day is Halloween Every Day is Halloween The Wyrm Gift U
54 Experimental Fomori Experimental Fomori The Wyrm Ally U
55 Family of Five Family of Five The Wyrm Victim C
56 Family Pet Family Pet The Wyrm Victim C
57 Fangthane Bloodjaw Fangthane Bloodjaw The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
57a Fangthane Bloodjaw (Crinos Form) Fangthane Bloodjaw (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
58 FBI Agent FBI Agent The Wyrm Victim U
59 FBI Investigation FBI Investigation The Wyrm Event R
60 Fetal Position Fetal Position The Wyrm Combat Action U
61 Fomori Dock Worker Fomori Dock Worker The Wyrm Ally C
62 Fooled You! Fooled You! The Wyrm Action U
63 Fool's Quest Fool's Quest The Wyrm Quest R
64 Friends in High Places Friends in High Places The Wyrm Action U
65 Gang Beating Gang Beating The Wyrm Combat Event U
66 Garou Kinfolk Garou Kinfolk The Wyrm Victim U
67 Gates of Malfeas Gates of Malfeas The Wyrm Event R
68 Glade Child Glade Child The Wyrm Victim U
69 G'louogh, G'louogh, "Dance of Corruption" The Wyrm Event R
70 Gooshy Gooze Gooshy Gooze The Wyrm Equipment U
71 Greenpeace Assault Team Greenpeace Assault Team The Wyrm Victim R
72 Grudge Match Grudge Match The Wyrm Quest U
73 Hamstringed Hamstringed The Wyrm Combat Action C
74 Happy Tourists Happy Tourists The Wyrm Victim R
75 Heart Breaker Heart Breaker The Wyrm Combat Action R
76 High School Athlete High School Athlete The Wyrm Victim C
77 Honest Senator Honest Senator The Wyrm Victim U
78 Horns of the Impaler Horns of the Impaler The Wyrm Gift U
79 Hunts-At-Night Hunts-At-Night The Wyrm Character Wyrm Other U
79a Hunts-At-Night (Crinos Form) Hunts-At-Night (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
80 Incarna Avatar Incarna Avatar The Wyrm Victim R
81 Infectious Touch Infectious Touch The Wyrm Gift U
82 Jack-O-Lantern Jack-O-Lantern The Wyrm Ally U
83 Jane Thurber Jane Thurber The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
84 Johnathan Roark Johnathan Roark The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
84a Johnathan Roark (Crinos Form) Johnathan Roark (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
85 Johnson P. Donnovan Johnson P. Donnovan The Wyrm Character Wyrm Other C
86 Kills-the-Weak Kills-the-Weak The Wyrm Character Wyrm Metis U
87 Kirijama, "The Hidden Foe" The Wyrm Event R
88 Kiss of the Wyrm Kiss of the Wyrm The Wyrm Gift R
89 Kitalid the Deceiver Kitalid the Deceiver The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
89a Kitalid the Deceiver (Crinos Form) Kitalid the Deceiver (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
90 Lander's Nylon Stocking Lander's Nylon Stocking The Wyrm Equipment R
91 Latonia The Temptress Latonia The Temptress The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid U
91a Latonia The Temptress (Crinos Form) Latonia The Temptress (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
92 Lion's Pelt Lion's Pelt The Wyrm Equipment U
93 Little Petey Little Petey The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
93a Little Petey (Crinos Form) Little Petey (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
94 Longtooth Soulkiller Longtooth Soulkiller The Wyrm Character Wyrm Metis R
95 Lord of the Realm Lord of the Realm The Wyrm Gift R
96 Lorenz Winkler Lorenz Winkler The Wyrm Character Wyrm Other U
97 Lost Cub Lost Cub The Wyrm Victim U
98 Lotus Lotus The Wyrm Character Wyrm Metis C
99 Mad Scientist Mad Scientist The Wyrm Ally U
100 Mage of the Celestial Chorus Mage of the Celestial Chorus The Wyrm Victim R
101 Mage's Talisman Mage's Talisman The Wyrm Equipment R
102 Mail Man Mail Man The Wyrm Victim C
103 Malfeas Malfeas The Wyrm Realm UR
104 Man in Black Man in Black The Wyrm Ally R
105 Martyr's Quest Martyr's Quest The Wyrm Quest R
106 Mass Pollution Mass Pollution The Wyrm Event C
107 Maxmillian Maxmillian The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
108 Meat Puppet Meat Puppet The Wyrm Ally U
109 Miles Kent Miles Kent The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
110 MockMaw MockMaw The Wyrm Past Life UR
111 Mockmaw's Battle Axe Mockmaw's Battle Axe The Wyrm Equipment R
112 Morgan Morgan The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid R
112a Morgan (Crinos Form) Morgan (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
113 Movie Star Movie Star The Wyrm Victim R
114 Mr. Iguana Mr. Iguana The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid U
114a Mr. Iguana (Crinos Form) Mr. Iguana (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
115 Neighborhood Watch Group Neighborhood Watch Group The Wyrm Victim C
116 Newspaper Vendor Newspaper Vendor The Wyrm Victim C
117 Oil of Corruption Oil of Corruption The Wyrm Equipment U
118 Old One-Eye Old One-Eye The Wyrm Character Wyrm Other C
118a Old One-Eye (Crinos Form) Old One-Eye (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
119 Pentex Executive and Limousine Pentex Executive and Limousine The Wyrm Ally R
120 Pipe Bomb Pipe Bomb The Wyrm Equipment R
121 Playground Full of Kids Playground Full of Kids The Wyrm Victim C
122 Priest Priest The Wyrm Victim U
123 Psychotic Hallucinations Psychotic Hallucinations The Wyrm Gift R
124 Psychotic Stalker Psychotic Stalker The Wyrm Ally R
125 Punitive Damages Punitive Damages The Wyrm Board Meeting C
126 Ragnor the Terror Ragnor the Terror The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
126a Ragnor the Terror (Crinos Form) Ragnor the Terror (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
127 Reckless Stunt Reckless Stunt The Wyrm Action R
128 Reckless Swing Reckless Swing The Wyrm Combat Action C
129 Red Alert Red Alert The Wyrm Event U
130 Red Hot Baby Powder Red Hot Baby Powder The Wyrm Equipment U
131 Red-headed Stepchild Red-headed Stepchild The Wyrm Ally R
132 Reinvesting Profits Reinvesting Profits The Wyrm Board Meeting R
133 Renegade Werewolf Hunter Renegade Werewolf Hunter The Wyrm Victim U
134 Rent Asunder Rent Asunder The Wyrm Combat Action R
135 Rite of Summoning Rite of Summoning The Wyrm Rite C
136 Rite of the Black Spiral Rite of the Black Spiral The Wyrm Rite U
137 Rite of the Pentarch Rite of the Pentarch The Wyrm Rite R
138 Roar of the Wyrm Roar of the Wyrm The Wyrm Gift U
139 Ronin Garou Ronin Garou The Wyrm Victim R
140 Savage Fury Savage Fury The Wyrm Gift C
141 Septum Crushed Septum Crushed The Wyrm Combat Action C
142 Serpent's Quest Serpent's Quest The Wyrm Quest C
143 Shoragg Shoragg The Wyrm Character Wyrm Other C
143a Shoragg (Crinos Form) Shoragg (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
144 Sidhe Knight Sidhe Knight The Wyrm Victim R
145 Skin of the Hellbound Skin of the Hellbound The Wyrm Equipment U
146 Snickers Snickers The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid U
147 Spiritual Revelation Spiritual Revelation The Wyrm Event R
148 Splinter the Weakened Mind Splinter the Weakened Mind The Wyrm Gift U
149 Stench of Death Stench of Death The Wyrm Gift C
150 Street Bum Street Bum The Wyrm Victim C
151 Subjugation of Gaia Subjugation of Gaia The Wyrm Gift U
152 Submachine Gun Submachine Gun The Wyrm Equipment R
153 Suffering Bastard Suffering Bastard The Wyrm Gift U
154 Survival Nut Survival Nut The Wyrm Victim U
155 Survival of the Fittest Survival of the Fittest The Wyrm Board Meeting C
156 Swat Officer Swat Officer The Wyrm Victim U
157 Sybil Sybil The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid U
157a Sybil (Crinos Form) Sybil (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
158 T. F. MacNeil T. F. MacNeil The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid R
159 Taste of Pain Taste of Pain The Wyrm Gift C
160 Tear Gas Cannister Tear Gas Cannister The Wyrm Equipment U
161 Technician #7 Technician #7 The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
161a Technician #7 (Crinos Form) Technician #7 (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
162 Telemarketing Campaign Telemarketing Campaign The Wyrm Event U
163 The Bat The Bat The Wyrm Event R
164 The General The General The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid R
165 There You Are!!! There You Are!!! The Wyrm Action C
166 Toga of Dionysius Toga of Dionysius The Wyrm Equipment U
167 Toga Party Toga Party The Wyrm Event C
168 Totem Form Totem Form The Wyrm Gift R
169 Touch of the Eel Touch of the Eel The Wyrm Gift U
170 Trinity Hive Caern Trinity Hive Caern The Wyrm Caern UR
171 Tsannik Tsannik The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid R
171a Tsannik (Crinos Form) Tsannik (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
172 Typhoon the Unpure Typhoon the Unpure The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
172a Typhoon the Unpure (Crinos Form) Typhoon the Unpure (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
173 Uncle Freddy Uncle Freddy The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
174 Unlucky Lune Unlucky Lune The Wyrm Victim C
175 Urban Renewal Urban Renewal The Wyrm Event C
176 Vampire Blood Vampire Blood The Wyrm Equipment R
177 Vigilante Vigilante The Wyrm Victim U
178 Voice of Reason Voice of Reason The Wyrm Gift U
179 Voragg the Unbound Voragg the Unbound The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
179a Voragg the Unbound (Crinos Form) Voragg the Unbound (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
180 Wailer Wailer The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid C
180a Wailer (Crinos Form) Wailer (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos
181 Wandering Gaffling Wandering Gaffling The Wyrm Victim C
182 War Knife of Benning Simon War Knife of Benning Simon The Wyrm Equipment R
183 Whip of the Wicked Whip of the Wicked The Wyrm Equipment R
184 Wyrm Hide Wyrm Hide The Wyrm Gift C
185 Zhyzhak Zhyzhak The Wyrm Character Wyrm Homid UR
185a Zhyzhak (Crinos Form) Zhyzhak (Crinos Form) The Wyrm Character Wyrm Crinos